Ai spawning system

When i spawn my ai it doesn’t move but if i placed 1 in the world and 1 spawned they both move i think the problem is when i spawned the and spawn a default controller they doesn’t posses to The ai controller so how can i but if placed one in the world they will use his controller maybe *(so how can make them auto posses to the ai controller)

In your AI Blueprint class defaults, be sure to check Auto Possess AI: When placed in world OR spawned. And also do not forget to set the AI Controller to your custom one!

If you have already set these up be sure that you are spawning the AI in your Navmesh. Also another issue I’ve had was if you have static meshes on your AI that it holds (such as a sword/shield/gun/etc) be sure to set the static mesh collision to No Collision otherwise it might interfere with the navmesh.

Let me know if these work for you!

i allready set all of these and the ai have no sword/shield/gun/

Do you have the Navmesh Volume Bounds? Check if when the AI is spawned, its on the Navmesh. You can toggle it on/off when its selected with ‘P’.

Also try spawning with “SpawnAIFromClass” if SpawnActor doesn’t seem to the trick. If these don’t work try sharing the AIController code so I can take a look!

wait i understand my problem am using navigation invoker for each character and in project setting i use generate navigation only around navigation invoker and spawned actor some how doesn’t have this and as i said one i place one with then and spawn the another they move because they are in the navigation invoker radius from the placed one so how can i spawn them with it ?