After migrating the UFO from Content Examples how do I get the cows to be beam up?

So, I recently switched to UE4 from Unity and I have migrated the BP_UFO_Physics and Toy_Cow blueprints to a new project but I can’t get the UFO to beam up the cows.

I have ticked simulate physics on the cows and I have added all the inputs for the UFO, I can fly around with the UFO and the beam starts with mouse click but the cows will not get beamed up with it.

Hi AkumaMini,

I’ve tested this and gotten it to work. There is still a little bit of setup that doesn’t carry over with the migration thought.

You’ll need to open the assets from the Content browser, in this case the cow and the tree. You’ll need to enable the following:

enable Simulate Physics
disable start awake
enable Generate Overlap Events

This should be all you need to get it up and running. :slight_smile:
