Advice about funding (stick to gamedev OR shift to a graphic designer) ??

Hey guys,
I’m new member in here…
I’m Indonesian
I’m sorry if my English is not correct by spelling or grammar.

I’m so interested in game development for PC
I was a AS3 Game Programmer
yeah, i think you all know that Flash market is probably “dead” by now
two months ago, i finished my first and my last (maybe) flash game project
so i have to move on other platform

I’m still a college student
I’m about in last year by now…
my essay task is about creating a game development on PC platform
I don’t plan to create an ambitious game, just a decent open world game
and I have observed all engines available
in the end, i chose Unreal Engine 4

But the problem now is FUNDING!!
yes, it’s common issue for college student like me
I don’t have a 9to5 job and I don’t want to work 9to5 job
I don’t want to spent money I got from the last flash project (the amount is not much and it’s reserved)
so I have to think the other way to get funding
at least for upgrading my computer and paying operational monthly bill (food, gasoline, internet, academic, etc)

I’m sorry If I’m posting in wrong section
but I’m contemplating, the game development cycle period is not a short time
In flash game, at least you have to spent 2-3 months
I don’t know about the unreal platform… maybe need more time i guess
I doubt that I could count on game dev income ONLY for daily/monthly cost
So i must have a little “steady” income ($200/month is enough) while developing my game

I got one idea, graphic design
I’m interested in graphic design and planning shifting to freelance graphic designer for a moment
I think it would be more “faster” way to get funding rather than count only on game dev income
Of course I don’t do 9to5 job (I’m a college student and i never interested in that)

Could you suggest me the alternative FREELANCE way to make money/get funding ($200/month is enough) ??
Or would you like to tell your own story ??

As long as you have enough money for food, clothing, a roof over your head, and the tools you need, I advice that you do what you really want to do.
If doing graphic design pays more money, but you would feel bored and unsatisfied with life doing it, then doing that will not maximize your happiness.

By the way, Flash isn’t quite useless, it’s used a good deal in game UI, if not for creating the actual UI with like Scaleform, at least for prototypes.

Of course as long as I could earn money FREELANCE WAY and the job is related to computer stuff, I would be happy doing it
Moreover, graphic design skill might be useful in the future for my game development process
by the way, thx for replying my thread