Adjust location relative to floor - htc vive blueprint

I’m trying to incorporate movement like in this video at the 2:00 mark.

I’m not sure how to adjust pawn height based on the floor. Any insight would be appreciated

I’m doing this in my game and I just do a line trace from the headset straight down to the ground. If the distance is different from the vertical distance from the headset to the pawn’s root component, I move the root component accordingly. I show it off in my video here:


Thanks. I was doing a line trace before. I knew I was missing some little piece like that

Exactly, works pretty well. You have to add some checks for walls and ceilings, too. We use such a system in VR Shooter Guns ( It’s pretty cool if you have set up a large room for the vive and can walk up and down stairs and slops :slight_smile: