AddToViewport crash ue4 without error message

Hello, Sorry in advance for my English, I do not speak very well.

When I call the AddToViewport method of my class UShopUserWidget : public UMyUserWidget, Unreal Engine 4 crash without error message in the console.

Here is my Code:

In my TheClass.h


UMyUserWidget* TheClassWidget;

UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Widgets)
TSubclassOf<UMyUserWidget> wTheClassWidget;


In my TheClass.cpp


void UTheClass::BeginPlay()

APlayerController* PC = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController(GetWorld(), 0);

if (PC && wTheClassWidget)
    TheClassWidget = CreateWidget&lt;UMyUserWidget&gt;(PC, wTheClassWidget);


void UInventoryComponent::Open()
if (TheClass != nullptr)


Thanks for you help ! :slight_smile:

You sure TheClassWidget isn’t null?

if (TheClass != nullptr)