not exactly the same topic but here is a question i cant figure out. i have bullets in a clip. each have a different value for effecting damage weight accuracy and range. But when i pick up the clip i want it to have a total weight using the values inside the array. with out using one weight and multiplying by the index.
(0) damage=.3 weight =.04 recoil effect=.21 range= 1.6
(1) damage=.4 weight =.05 recoil effect=.35 range=2.1
(2) damage=.35 weight= .44 recoil effect=.28 range 1.8
the clip has its own weight variable that would be added to this as well. which we could just say is .85 units
so “total weight” =.04+.05+.44+.85 how do i do this using and array?