Adding a non scaling arrow to a BluePrint

I’ve made a spawn zone. Its a blueprint containing just a box. I can scale rotate and position the box and things automatically spawn from it. So far so good

Now I need a spawn zone with a direction - so I added an arrow component to the blueprint. Works great I can now see which way the spawn is facing and I can orient my spawning objects.

Problem is that the arrow scales with the box. For most spawns its not too bad but I have some that are stretched pretty big in some directions and the arrow now scales very big/unevenly shaped.

Is there a way to tell the arrow to not scale - like the move/rotate/scale widgets do for example. I fiddled around with the screen space check boxes but that only seems to affect how it is drawn in the blue print editor but not when I drop the component into the level editor.

Isn’t it always the case that right after you ask the question you find the answer. So here it is for everyone else

To make this work you change the scale type on the arrow to Absolute Scale using the drop down as shown. Now the arrow stays a constant size when you scale the component


You can combine it with the screen space check box to ensure it doesn’t get too big as you zoom in. Its not quite the same as the widgets that stay a constant screen size but it works for this scenario.

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