Add mesh/model to class

I wanna make a class which spawns different non static meshes depending on what a variable is set equal to. So far I have the following code:

#pragma once
    #include "Pickup.h"
    #include "Stuff.generated.h"
    class AStuff : public APickup {
    	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Pickup)
    		FString bThing;
    	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, BlueprintReadWrite, Category = Pickup)
    		float bAmount;
    	void OnPickedUp();


#include "../KK_Survival.h"
#include "Stuff.h"

AStuff::AStuff (const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP) : Super(PCIP) {
	bThing = "Food";
	if (bThing == "Food") {
		//create mesh
	else if (bThing == "Drink") {
		//create mesh                
	else if (bThing == "MedKit") {
		//create mesh
	else {
		//create mesh

void AStuff::OnPickedUp() {

The Stuff class’ base class is Pickup and the Pickup class’ base class is Actor. I am quite new to UE4 so could someone explain to me what I have actually written down (only te engine relative stuff, not the basic C++ stuff).