Actor scaling not taken after SpawnActorDeferred

I have a blueprint derived from Actor.

Within the blueprint, I’ve set the scaling to 0.1,0.1,0.1
After the call of the SpawnActorDeferred, the scale of the created actor is correct.

AKGuidedActor* GActor = GetWorld()->SpawnActorDeferred<AKGuidedActor>(GuidedActor, SpawnTransform);
			if (GActor)
				UE_LOG(LogKSGMWeapon, Verbose, TEXT("AKGuidedProjectile::Explode  -  Guided Actor spawned=%p  GetActorScale3D=%s"), GActor, *GActor->GetActorScale3D().ToString());

When I check the scale in PostInitializeComponents() the scale is set back to 1,1,1

void AKGuidedActor::PostInitializeComponents()

	UE_LOG(LogKSGMWeapon, Verbose, TEXT("AKGuidedActor::PostInitializeComponents  -  GetActorScale3D=%s"), *GetActorScale3D().ToString());

To work I have to set back the scale to 0.1,0.1,0.1 in this function

SetActorScale3D(FVector(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f));

Why the scale factor is taken after SpawnActorDeferred() but not within the actor ?
