Actor Rotation Won't Work in 4.11

I tried lots of different approaches to flag this as a bug report. Every attempt works in 4.10, but not 4.11. So here it goes:

I was working on a scene where I rotate the object BP with mouse drag through Y axis. It used to work with 4.10 but when I switched to 4.11, even I tried doing it from scratch it stopped working.

The problem I am facing is, it only works in PIE with first mouse drag. Then it stops working again. On standalone, it doesn’t even move. I am guessing it is a focus related thing.

  • I still get the RightMouseButton related strings (Drag True, Drag False)
  • I did print string of Drag Value after AddActorWorldRotation node which shows true “Drag Value - Get Mouse Y” value first and then it just stucks at 0.0, which I set Mouse Button Release but won’t update anymore
  • The flow seems to be fine though

Any ideas about the cause and possible fixes?

Here is my BP screenshot:

Okay, that was weird. It just hit me - in my PlayerController I unchecked ShowMouseCursor and it started to work. Still doesn’t make any sense to me, therefore I replied as a comment instead.


This is a known issue (UE-28811), and has been fixed internally. The fix will be released in a later version. Thank you for your report.

Have a great day