So the scene got some wooden crates, that im hitting my car in.
Wanted to make the crates sound like hitting wooden crates =))
Now. I wanted it to be real, so i need the creates to make noise not only when its being hit, but also every time when it hits the ground or any other object. And, ive wanted the sound volume being controled by the stranght of the hit (stronger hit - louder noise).
Ive assembled a soundCUE with a “random” link, that will randomly play one of the 6 sounds per activation.
Put it inside the crate blueprint and made this
It works besides 2 issues:
- It somehow lazy with detecting hits… ignores pretty big amount of hits.
- And the main issue - volume. Every time when the crate hits something - the script activates the soundcue with the sertain volume parameter. But, as long as it is a single soundcue - the sound, that was played at the moment of the hit is not a “play and forget”. The volume of the sound is being controled by the script as long as it plays. And there an issue. The sound is a half second long. And, there a often like >10 hits per second, when you are hiting a bunch of crates. And, while the first instance is played, the “event hit” is being triggered again, changing the volume to some other value. So we have a halfsecond lond sound, volume of which is changed 10 times per its play for very different values, which creates total mess. I have no idea how to fix this… its like a need a sepatrate soundcue for every hit, so they volumes will not interfere…
Than ive tried “play sound” instead of the sound cue. It does the “play and forget”, which means that every time the sound is being played at its own volume value. But, are issues:
- It makes too much instances. Like playing the same sound 10 times overlping and creating terrible noise. And its often plays is even on the not visible collisions.
- Ive got troubles controlling its volume the same way as on the screenshot. Tried different ways, numbers etc… no use. Each time, when im linking something to the “volume” it does not play nothing. Tried to clamp the incomind values for the volume - no use. Its like it does not understand float data.
- No random sound rotation. Dont know how to make that this way… maybe there is a randomizer function or something?
Not shure if this all bugs or just i dont get somethins… So, any suggestions?