Accessing UListView entries in widget construction


i have a user widget, which has a UListView and populates this with a list of certain objects. after that i need to access the created entry widgets of thelist view but at that point, they seem not yet created.

  1. the list views UObjects are set in NativeConstruct()
  2. right after that i try to access the entry widgets -> none there.
  3. i also tried NativeOnInitialized(), InitializeInputComponent() and OnWidgetRebuilt(). also without success
  4. tried to bind to ListWidget->OnEntryWidgetGenerated() but i didnt get it to compile. can somebody tell me the exact syntax. also i dont know if that would work

for now i use a timer to get it to work but that is clearly just a workaround

**is there a better/correct way to do this?

should i set the list of objects somewhere else than NativeConstruct()?**