Accessing the USkeletalMeshComponent of an AttachActor

I am watching a tutorial series. I watch a few videos then play around with what I learned. During the tutorial we added a weapon to the character by spawning the weapon then attaching it to the characters hand socket. Previously we added a barrel socket to the characters current gun that came attached to the mesh. I am using a different weapon asset. Now I am having a hard time getting access to that meshes socket. I managed to get it, but the socket is at my characters feet while the weapon is in the characters hand. Iā€™m sure its hard to make out what I am talking about. My code to get the socket of the attached weapon is posted. Any advice on what I am doing wrong is greatly appreciated.

if (EquippedWeapon)
	const USkeletalMeshComponent* WeaponMesh = EquippedWeapon->GetPickupMesh();
	const USkeletalMeshSocket* BarrelSocket = WeaponMesh->GetSocketByName("BarrelSocket");
	if (BarrelSocket)
		const FTransform SocketTransform = BarrelSocket->GetSocketTransform(GetMesh());

		if (MuzzleFlash)
			UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), MuzzleFlash, SocketTransform);

		FVector BeamEnd;

		bool bBeamEnd = GetBeamEndLocation(SocketTransform.GetLocation(), BeamEnd);
		if (bBeamEnd)
			if (ImpactParticles)
				UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), ImpactParticles, BeamEnd);

			UParticleSystemComponent* Beam = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAtLocation(GetWorld(), BeamParticles, SocketTransform);
			if (Beam)
				Beam->SetVectorParameter(FName("Target"), BeamEnd);

I found my problem. When I set the FTransform, I was still using my characters mesh and not the mesh of the weapon.

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