Accessed None trying to read ActiveWeaponMesh

Good evening.
I was tinkering around with attaching weapons. The hand bounces around akwardly, and afterward stopping the simulation, it gives me this error message “Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property ActiveWeaponMesh”. Blueprint: ThirdPerson_AnimBP Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Anim BP Graph: EventGraph Node: Set”. Can one help me in fixing this issue?

Hi, the message says it all. Your ActiveWeaponMesh is null. You are probably trying to do something with it before it has been set. Are you sure you have it set before you are trying to read from it? Maybe paste your blueprint on so we can get more info?

yes, it appears the pictures are broken, one moment.

or just post a picture here

The error would indicate that it is a “Set” node inside the ThirdPerson_AnimBP event graph which is returning null, but I don’t see that node in the picture of that event graph. Does that exist anywhere?