What is the lowest setup one can achieve with lighting their world? What needs to be disabled/enabled to achieve this? Let’s say I don’t want shadows, or any kind of special or realistic lighting. I just want the most basic, perhaps flat, rendered setup. How would one do this?
I am specifically developing for VR, and I want to start from the bottom. Right now, I’m just disabling anything I see related to lighting. Maybe I’m missing things? What would you do?
Zero lights in the scene, force dynamic lighting, and load an ambient cubemap in the post process. Off the top of my head, that’s probably the fastest way to have nothing.
You can probably get away with quite a bit honestly, even for VR. Just use nothing but static lighting, no stationary or dynamic, and disable dynamic shadows on all of the lights. Maybe consider looking at mobile optimizations if you really want to push it.
You’re definitely right. I could certainly do more than nothing. I guess I just personally like to start with nothing, and only add when the project demands it. Epic’s lessons about Rift integration definitely suggest lighting is a big part of getting good (75/90fps) performance.
I really like UE4 a lot, but there are sooo many settings etc, I actually get the feeling I am missing a lot of what I could be turning on or off. Thousand yard stare across a field of checkboxes. o_o
Do a ‘profileGPU’ and start turning things off that show up in there. Lots of Post process features are on by default and you can disable them in a PP volume.
As a heads up, in 4.5, you will be able to set project-wide defaults for many of the post process settings (Project Settings…Rendering), or set them all at once in a new section (Project Settings…Hardware Target, which is also offered when creating a brand new project).