About learning UE4

Hi, I want to learn UE4 but have got a problem. It’s pretty easy to find some guides and videos to study UE but I need something that can give an aim. Like a week-goals which I need to achieve during the studying. So, are there any book, sites or anything else where I can find some tasks for UE?

This might not be what you want to hear but unless you can find your own motivation chances are you will fall off the bandwagon quite fast. Best thing I can think of though are Epic’s game jams.

Yeah, you absolutely right. But what i mean is as far as I don’t know the complexity of these or other parts of the engine it’s pretty hard to make my own aims. So, I thought there are something to help :slight_smile:

get an idea for what you want, and start building, code the mechanics as you go…add new character meshes and textures as you need them… but have an idea to work for, and learn what you need as you go, thats what ive been doing

I agree with franktech on this. The limit is only you.

Just start with something you love or admire. Try to recreate mechanics of the games you love the most and improve them. The more you work in the Unreal Engine, the more your mind will get accustomed to it’s workflow and you will just get used doing stuff. It is like moving into a new house and stay in it, until you feel home :).

What you could do is to give yourself some challenges. You give yourself a week for creating X-Y concept and then test it, when the time is up. Even if it is a failure, you will have learned a lot through this process and read/seen a lot of helpful information.
When I look back on my Unreal Engine experience I have to admit that failure actually improved me vastly more than all things going smoothly :).

Wow, I didn’t expect such feedback. Thanks to all of you!

Take something you want to make and start on that. The tough part is learning how to start. Let’s use an example:

You want to make flappy bird. You can’t type “UE4 flappy bird tutorial” into Google (you probably can but bear with me). So you break it down into parts that you can learn about. How to make the camera scroll, how to make objects spawn at random heights, how to read input, record score etc. That way you learn real fast.