A collapsed graph's execution output causes weird meta error within graph

Full error in question:

LogBlueprint: Warning: [AssetLog] Asset_BP_Name.uasset: [Compiler] Warning: Pin ‘Com’ on boundary node ‘K2Node_Composite_2’ could not be found in the composite node ‘EdGraphSchema_K2_41’

LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] Asset_BP_Name.uasset: [Compiler] Failed to collapse tunnel Outputs

LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] Asset_BP_Name.uasset: [Compiler] Unexpected node type K2Node_Tunnel encountered at Outputs

LogBlueprint: Error: [AssetLog] Asset_BP_Name.uasset: [Compiler] Unexpected node type K2Node_Tunnel encountered at Outputs

For some reason the Continuation of the Execution Pin specifically on the Output is the one at fault. If I delete the graph and copy+paste it then compile it works fine.

This error always occurs on the first run of my project and I have no idea what could cause an output to only fail on the Project’s first launch.

Any help appreciated

got the same error. This shows up high in google.
