I seem to have royally screwed up something. If I run the default scene in VR mode in 4.12/4.11 I get 22 fps and in 4.10 I get 90 fps. Also the oculus home screen runs super smooth >60 fps. Yesterday I was running a buttery smooth 90 fps in 4.11 and 4.12. Not sure what is up but so far I’ve:
- Uninstalled epic and unreal 4.10 4.11 4.12
- Updated and reinstalled 4.12.3
- Rolled back geforce driver
- Updated geforce driver
- Clean uninstall and reinstalled Oculus
- See the same behavior with both CV1 and DK2
- Cycled on / off vsync, stereo mode, instancing, etc.
Computer specs:
- Geforce 980 GTX
- 32 G Ram
- 6820 i7 processor
Anyone have any ideas?