4.9.0-release FRotator not consistent between platforms

Hello guys, for a project i calculate a FRotator from two locations:

FRotator Rotation = (currentMidpoint - Location).Rotation();

and then rotate a FVector with that rotation:

Rotation.RotateVector( Destination )

All good.

But i found after the switch to 4.9.0 that at least one of those operations (Rotation() and/or RotateVector) to not be consistent between different OS.

Doing it on Windows gives me a result, doing it on a Mac leads to a totally different one.


Could you provide a sample project demonstrating what you’re seeing? I’m not sure where the values for currentMidpoint, Location, or Destination are coming from so I’m not sure how to setup a reproduction on my machine.


Sure, working on it.

Seems like i can’t reproduce the issue, neither in the test project nor in my project.
After spending a day debugging it… WTF

Well, at this point, sorry about it, i’ll close the ticket.