What I did:
1 Place new grey guy mesh in map.
2 Make a Blueprint from grey guy mesh, add a collision capsule.
3 Make capsule root, change capsule size, move guy mesh to center in capsule, save, compile.
4 Place blueprint in map.
5 Frozen PC.
Don’t know if you need any other log or something.
I’m afraid I can’t follow along with these instructions. When you say you placed the “grey guy mesh” in level, which asset did you use? SK_Mannequin Skeletal Mesh? If I do that and then use Blueprint/Add Script button in details panel, it creates a Skeletal Mesh Actor Blueprint with skel mesh component as root. Adding a collision capsule is fine, but you can’t make that root because it’s not possible to change root of a BP derived from a mesh. Are you using a different process?
Sorry for waste your time, searching on internet I found some people with my GPU have my problem too with some games, problem was “Nvidia Shadowplay”, after I disabled “NVIDIA Streamer Service” my computer stopped freezing with UE 4.8P1.
BTW, what I meant with root is this (floating box says “Drop here to make Capsule new root” ): http://www…com/watch?v=SsMlNB4ek_o
You can close or remove thread, because problem wasn’t related to UE4, was just a sad coincidence that my problem with Nvidia Shadowplay triggered while testing UE4.8. Again, sorry for waste your time.
Ah, okay, you used Create Blueprint Using This, a slightly different method. Thanks for clarifying!
No worries, I’m glad you found a solution. I’ll mark this as resolved but leave it here for others who encounter same problem with 4.8 Preview. Thanks!