4.8P1: Editor freezes computer with MUSHROOM free environment

This map shared by a user in forum: Free Enviroment: MUSHROOM - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums , freezes my computer with 4.8P1, map works perfect in all 4.7 versions. Well, point is UE should crash in worst scenario not freeze computer.

What I did:

  1. Create a blank project in 4.8P1.
  2. Copy files from 7zip file to new project folder.
  3. In EU4, go to Content\maps and load map “mushroom2b”.
  4. Sometimes my computer freezes while loading, after few seconds with map opened or few seconds after “play in new editor window”.

I am not sure if this should be here, because map isn’t from Epic, but maybe is a bug with some features of map.

My dxdiag and last log of project:

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Ok, had another freeze just with FPS template.

What I did:
1 Place new grey guy mesh in map.
2 Make a Blueprint from grey guy mesh, add a collision capsule.
3 Make capsule root, change capsule size, move guy mesh to center in capsule, save, compile.
4 Place blueprint in map.
5 Frozen PC.

Don’t know if you need any other log or something.

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Hi ikifenix,

I’m afraid I can’t follow along with these instructions. When you say you placed the “grey guy mesh” in level, which asset did you use? SK_Mannequin Skeletal Mesh? If I do that and then use Blueprint/Add Script button in details panel, it creates a Skeletal Mesh Actor Blueprint with skel mesh component as root. Adding a collision capsule is fine, but you can’t make that root because it’s not possible to change root of a BP derived from a mesh. Are you using a different process?

Hi ,

Sorry for waste your time, searching on internet I found some people with my GPU have my problem too with some games, problem was “Nvidia Shadowplay”, after I disabled “NVIDIA Streamer Service” my computer stopped freezing with UE 4.8P1.

BTW, what I meant with root is this (floating box says “Drop here to make Capsule new root” ): http://www…com/watch?v=SsMlNB4ek_o

You can close or remove thread, because problem wasn’t related to UE4, was just a sad coincidence that my problem with Nvidia Shadowplay triggered while testing UE4.8. Again, sorry for waste your time.

Ah, okay, you used Create Blueprint Using This, a slightly different method. Thanks for clarifying!

No worries, I’m glad you found a solution. I’ll mark this as resolved but leave it here for others who encounter same problem with 4.8 Preview. Thanks!

thank uuuuuuuuuuuuu
yes it was ‘nvidia geforce experience’ which was crashing ue4