Since I’ve upgraded to 4.7.6 the player cannot control pawns from within Character blueprints.
The Axis Values for the Mouse and Gamepad are always reporting 0 (I’ve also confirmed that this is also the case with the basic ‘Mouse_X’ and ‘Mouse_Y’ and all Gamepad stick axis & events) and feeding other values into the ‘Add Controller P/R/Y Input’ has no affect on the camera.
These have all been confirmed with Print Screens which are displaying correctly.
If I mouse the Events into the Player Controller then everything works fine, however, as I’m dealing with the player possessing different Pawn types I would prefer each of them to handle their own controls independently and not add control systems with lots of checks into the PC.
Ok, looks like there are two issues.
Firstly, it’s not possible to read input values of the Mouse and Gamepad, via Input Mappings, in both the the Player Controller and Player Character Blueprints. If you do, then all Input Mappings will output a value of 0 at all times.
Epic, is that intentional or a bug?
I’m trying to track down as to why the Touchscreen won’t affect the Controller rotation seperately as that is still not working.
Ok, so the second issue is that if you use the ‘Get Touch Input State’ to set the Yaw and Pitch of the controller, whether it’s in the Player Controller or Character Blueprints, then the Yaw & Pitch won’t update.
I’ve tested this by having both those being checked on a Tick alongside a ‘InputTouch’ event. Both fire correctly, but only the latter will update the Yaw and Pitch.