4.6 unwanted streak effect

While working in my level, I am noticing a streaking effect occurring during game play. It is not constant but mainly when my character (the bird) fly’s over certain meshes such as trees or rocks. I have tried adjusting my postprocess volume setting with no luck. I have also played with my anti-aliasing method which seems to end the streaking but leaves me with a “sizzle” effect that is even worse looking. Anyone have any idea what could be causing this???

oh I had this issue when moving over objects back at 4.5 but haven’t noticed it since(but everything is completely different in my level now). Are you on the latest UE4?

I am working in 4.6 currently.

up! I have same issue, can it be caused by too poor hardware? UE 4.11.2

This is caused by Temporal AA (TXAA) since there is a one-frame lag to smooth the results from the previous frame with the current frame.

Thank you for reply.

I changed AA Method in Global Post Process Volume (Post Process Volume → Settings → Misc).
TemporalAA - streaks;
FXAA - for now everything is fine;
none - sharp edges, mostly in Custom Depth outlines.