Engine version: 4.5 Github
The 2d sidescroller template creates a PCH with the name [ModuleName]Private.h which is included correctly in the default code generated when creating a new project.
However, code generated in-editor using the ‘add code to project’ wizard expects a PCH named [ModuleName].h, and this leads to compilation errors.
Steps to repro:
- Create new 2d_Sidescroller C++ project
- Verify [ProjectName]Private.h exists in the Public folder
- Use Add Code wizard to create actor class, name irrelevant
- Open up the created class’s implementation file
- Verify implementation is including [ProjectName].h instead.
On examination of the other templates, I can see that they all lack the ‘Private’ suffix on their PCH, so I presume that this is an error with the sidescroller template specifically.
Unfortunately, the templates are unversioned so I cannot submit a pull request to make the necessary changes.