4.23.1 blueprint native build slow and fail

Hi, I just update my project to 4.23.1 and install visualstudio2017. I just use the compiled engine downloaded from Epic Launcher.
I fond it took a long to to begin blueprint native build. and it always failed. when I disable natvie build. It successes quickly. I want to ask why? and this is my out log:


UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1432 Packages Remain 33 Total 1465
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1432 Packages Remain 27 Total 1459
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1432 Packages Remain 26 Total 1458
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1432 Packages Remain 22 Total 1454
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1454 Packages Remain 21 Total 1475
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Cooked packages 1454 Packages Remain 0 Total 1454
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (64-bit)):   LogCook: Display: Finishing up...

// take a long time here waiting(mybe more than half an hour) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

And what`s the engine doing here?
When I come back to 4.21 to compile the native blueprints by visualstudio2017 it successed.So I think it is not the problems of my installation of VS2017.

I try to remove all blueprints. but it still generate c++ code. I dont know why。

I found Ue4.23.1 Blueprint native method : Inclusive and Exculsive are replace each other. so now I change to Exculsive then solve this problem. I hope it is not a bug. Inclusive meaning was changed.