I was looking at Koooolalala’s Clinic scene and trying to emulate his post process settings. However, when I start a new project/map, some of the tonewmapping (film) settings seem to have no effect whatsoever. Slope, toe, shoulder, black and white clip seem to do nothing, even though they affect his scene (ported to 4.14 so it’s not a version issue afaik).
I am quite new to postprocessing, so it’s possible I’m just missing something from a setting that’s not inside of my PostProcessVolume.
Does anyone have any idea what I’m doing wrong, and how I could get these settings to work?
To expand on what OwenWP said, this is accomplished through the console, using the command r.Tonemapper[options should autocomplete when you get this far]
Since you’re still learning post processing, I’d recommend downloading 4.15 and trying that out. The post processing settings got a big overhaul in 4.15 so much of what you learn in 4.14 won’t be relevant in future versions.
Yep, that was the issue! Kind of a shame there isn’t better documentation on the tonemapper currently, though if it changed in 4.15 there might not be a point anymore (let’s hope there’s documentation for the new one!)