4.10 Can't play from my pawn

Hello. I have a character pawn with a blueprint, and I set it up correctly and in 4.9 was able to move around with it in play mode and when I transferred the file over to 4.10. Now all of a sudden I can’t play off my character pawn when I hit the play button. Any ideas on how to fix this bug?


Is it set up to auto-possess by player 0?

Hey, Baeldan, I’m new to the whole blueprint thing, where do I find those settings?


Oh, I found it, I just set it to 0 and I spawn on my character, but can’t move with it.

Is all the movement mechanics set up properly in your blueprint and input axes/actions set up in your project settings?

It should be, I was able to move around and the pawn worked in 4.9, but once I brought it into 4.10, it doesn’t seem to not to work.

Screenshots of your input settings and your blueprint would really help. Otherwise we’re just blindly guessing.


I’m using the hand glider blueprints from the learn tab. - Brian

You have said you brought it into 4.10. It doesn’t sound like you just upgraded the project in place.

Did you export the Blueprint and then Import it, or did you just copy paste the .uasset into a new project?

If that’s the case, try to export it and then import it into your new project.

Hey, I migrated the blueprint from the project from the engine and moved it into my new project which was 4.10.

Yea I have no clue why I can’t play off my pawn.

Also, where do I turn off the auto save feature for 4.10? I can’t find it. I turned it off in the previous versions of the engine but can’t find it for this 1.