(39) 's Extra Blueprint Nodes for You as a Plugin, No C++ Required!

am kind of confuse on the packaging part for mobile devices for UE4.24 ?

Is there any plans on getting the Download Image Working with your plugin?
i was told that i can modified that { Download Image } blueprint node with c++ to have it take 2DTexture instead of waiting for the second GetPixel to accepts FTexture2DDyanamic but am not good with C++ :(.

we’ll probably be a piece of cake for you to share so that we can enjoy the plugin in the meantime.

Here’s a image of someone showing me that he got it working But not willing to share :

Thank you.

EDIT: Ok, I’m dumb. Extract the library into the project folder, not the UE4 source folder. Problem solved.


First of , thank you for extremely useful plugin, it’s been very helpful and I’ve used it since about 4.12 or so.

Recently, I have run into an with compiling VictoryBP into a project using UE 4.24.3 and wonder if anyone might have any suggestions.

First of , I get two errors:

1>  #error "VictoryISM.generated.h already included, missing '#pragma once' in VictoryISM.h"

1>  In file included from C:/UE4_SOURCE/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Developer/VictoryBPLibrary/Source/VictoryBPLibrary/Public/VictoryISM.cpp:7:
1>C:\UE4_SOURCE\UnrealEngine\Engine\Plugins\Developer\VictoryBPLibrary\Source\VictoryBPLibrary\Public\VictoryISM.h(13,7): error : redefinition of 'AVictoryISM'

Noting it seems to be complaining that the file VictoryISM.h is doing a circular include for VictoryISM.generated.h, I try adding include guards as so (editing AVictoryISM.h):

#ifndef GUARD
#define GUARD
#include "VictoryISM.generated.h"

Building the project again generates a new error:

1>C:/UE4_SOURCE/UnrealEngine/Engine/Plugins/Developer/VictoryBPLibrary/Source/VictoryBPLibrary/Public/VictoryISM.h(1): error : No #include found for the .generated.h file - the .generated.h file should always be the last #include in a header

So it seems UE4 has some rules that make include guards difficult? But I am not very knowledgeable about C++ so if there is something I am missing, please let me know!

Maybe important information: It compiles fine when I target Development Client - x64 — problem is appearing when I target Development Server - Linux.

I have the same problem. Is anyone able to help please?

Hi @and guys, sorry for bothering you, i got a problem with making plugs work for 4.22 + android.
Basicly nothing saved and loaded with “get/set custom config var” on my devices, it’s not supported? Maybe there is any way to fix it (i’m badly familiar with operating system).

Is possible to solve warnings.

I resolve warnings and errors & i want to clear warnings.

I see you mentioned not supporting Mac or Mobile. But you never mentioned Linux. Would I be able to use plugin in a Linux build of my game? I plan on supporting both Windows and Linux.

@I’m trying to compile your plugin but it says there is an error:

Error    C2664    'bool IImageWrapper::GetRaw(const ERGBFormat,int32,TArray<uint8,FDefaultAllocator> &)': cannot convert argument 3 from 'const TArray<uint8,FDefaultAllocator> *' to 'TArray<uint8,FDefaultAllocator64> &'

code where the error shows is here:

        const TArray<uint8>* UncompressedBGRA = NULL;
        if (ImageWrapper->GetRaw(ERGBFormat::BGRA, 8, UncompressedBGRA))

the function is Victory_LoadTextureFromFile

Hi here! @

Does plugin allows you to import HDR cubemaps at runtime?

Thank you :slight_smile:

So I’m working with the Get Sound Wave from File node in 4.24, it creates the USoundWave with the correct duration but no actual audio samples, so there’s no sound playing. Same thing happens with the other two nodes (at location and attached). Importing the .ogg file manually, it plays in editor, though somewhat defeats the point of the nodes. Any ideas?

show your nodes for loading the file. I’m sure that is where the error is.

Hello. Any ETA for 4.25 support?

Also looking forward to .

@Any plan for 4.25?

Great to hear from you!

I am working on it!


4.25 Is Live!




I’m having a lot of trouble getting to package with my project, and the information on how to package correctly seems to have changed over and varies by who is explaining how to do it. Would it be possible to get a new, even just quick version of how to package with at least version 4.24? I have the Victory24.zip files.

At point, I’m not even sure where the files are supposed to go.

How to install the files:

Program files>Epic Games>UE_4.25>Engine>Plugins>Runtime>Create New folder and extract the files into it.

I’m having a similar problem. I’m trying to launch-to-device with two devices, and while works fine, any a VictoryPlugin node is called, the game crashes on the device. The editor preview works fine, as does everything else in the project on the mobile device. I’ve followed @PTF40k 's advice but doesn’t alleviate the problem. @Aeromir do you have any further insight on the?

Hi guys and @ !

Please, do you know if there is a way to export an image (bigger than 1024px) to disk? I have tried some nodes but I don’t find an efficient way to save a texture in a specified path of the computer.
