Visibility Broken in Sequencer

Hi all

I’m animating a sequence where one object uses a morph target to transition between states.
Because morphtargets are still wonky (I suppose that’s a question/ticket for a different day) and they twitch before and after the actual animation is being played on them I’m using start and end morph models before and after the morph.

That means I have 3 actors that have visibility keyed.
Initially this will work fine but randomly the second and third model will not become visible when I record the sequence.
This works fine during playback in sequencer but not when writing the frames out or PIE.

This was also an issue in 4.12

My problem is the same or similar to the one found here:

However there was never a clear solution found in that case.

What I notice is that the visibility track does not only key ‘hidden in game’ but also the 'visible option as well.
In scenes where it breaks, it also hiddes the mesh in the editor whereas in scenes that it works the objects remain visible in the editor (eye icon in world outliner) during play back.

This isn’t the first time/project it has happened and in my experience it’s a very frequent error to have.


Hey StoriesAG,

I was never really able to get a solid repro on StMalk’s issue. I think the “Render in Main Pass” thing that fixed his issue was really just a temporary workaround. Do you have a clear repro for this?

Hi , thank you for taking the time to look into this.

Unfortunately I can’t tell what’s breaking it.

In the last project, I had a flashlight attached to a characters hand and I animated the visibility through sequencer.
The flashlight would become visible while scrubbing through sequencer but it wouldn’t show during frame captures.
In that instance, it would sometimes help if I turned the ‘visibility’ flag back on before recording. Later that would stop working too.

This time I kept saving iterations of a map file since I’m doing look development. In V3 it would work, save the map as V4 and some visibility tracks would stop working. Save it again and more tracks stop working.

Un/fortunately I fixed my problem by driving all visibility swaps through custom events in the level blueprint.

I recreated the old setup though and instantly it stopped working again.
If it would help, I can upload the project to dropbox.


Hey ,

That’d be great if you could send it along. If it’s something you’d like to share privately, you can PM me on the forums.

Hey ,

Thanks for sending the sample project. I tracked this down to the fact that “Visible” is disabled on those actors by default. I’ve entered UE-35762.

A temporary workaround is to Enable “Visible” in the details tab of those level actors.

Yeah that was the solution the first time around but it’s not a stable solution.
If you save some iterations and do that a few times it stops helping again so it’s not a permanent fix :frowning:

I think with all the bugs put in about the visibility track, they might overhaul this.

I frequently have this exact issue, so I would appreciate a fix as well.

Hey Aaron,

Please see the developer notes on the public issue tracker. It has been modified to only affect the Hidden In Game value.

I’m having problems with this in 4.14.3 and 4.15p2

Hi Pixeldamage,

The functionality was completely changed between 4.14 and 4.15. Could you expand on what you’re seeing?