2D Collision Concave Geometry

Hi everyone,
I’m simulating bullet impacts using multi line trace (channel) and I would like to enable enemies with concave features. Everything is in 2D, on the same plane, and I would very much like to use shrink wrap for the sprite collision geometry.

Whilst I want the line trace to hit the same target twice (or more), given a concave geometry, I have the following problem:
Concave geometry, or any custom geometries, seems to force the baking of a mesh which creates vertices inside the sprite. The multi line trace then hits those vertices and create a non-deterministic amount of hit results. The vertices in question are the multicolored lines within the sprite, not in teal:

Ideally, I would like to avoid that baked collision shape and only use the sprite boundaries defined by me, which corresponds to the collision geometry source.

I looked everywhere and couldn’t find a solution. Note that I am using blueprints but I could entertain a C++ solution. Thanks in advance for any help.