4.10.1 - Crazy artifact (showstopper), doesn't happen in blank project

Notice the white areas in the Oculus view, which isn’t present in the level at all.

A blank 4.10.1 project doesn’t have the problem.

Were you ever able to resolve this? I’m running into a very similar issue with one project, but not with any others…

I am having the same issue. Dunno why.

Not sure about OP, but QFGlenn: the artifacts you’re seeing are due to using screen-space HUD widgets. If you look at the top of your screenshots, you’ll see that your HUD is not being properly rendered in stereo. I’ve seen the exact same graphical artifacts you’re seeing (weird non-synced bands displaying along the bottom and right side of the screen) when using screen-space widgets on the Rift.

Unfortunately the concept of a screen-space HUD is fundamentally incompatible with stereoscopic VR. In general, when designing HUDs for VR, you’ll want to use 3D widgets or actual static meshes parented to your player pawn.

Just wanted to pop in and say I am having this same issue. No problems in normal blank FPS project. But in my own project I have strange banding, and frame tearing/white blurry nonsense all in 1 (right) eye. It was driving me insane and I began to think about the UI/HUD being drawn in general. Tried to think about how UE4 would render the UMG widgets and how Epic MUST have thought of this and it should all be fine. I came here to post a thread asking for help and found this one. I think I’ll just end up parenting the 3d Widget to the actual camera.

Last time I tried to use 3d Widgets it was very hard to get access to things inside them (i.e. variables, events, etc etc) Has this changed? Can I just cast my 3d widget to the type it should be and get things from it? If not whats the proper way to do something like that.



I am getting something similar in 4.11 but with black artifacts instead of white. I have found it occurs when I am in proximity/walking through a particle field. In particular in my case an exponential fog or rain effect


It’s your UMG widgets. You MUST put them in 3d space (as world-space, not 2d!). specifically you’ve added your widgets to the viewport and this is what is causing the artefacts. This happens in all versions as far back as 4.7 (maybe before that as well but I’ve not tested it), it’s not happening in a blank project because a blank project has nothing stapled to the viewport.