non-stereo view in monitor


Just recently at an art fair I saw something made with Unity that had a normal, non-stereo view on the computer monitor while the viewer saw the normal VR in the HMD. Does anyone know about this? Is this possible with Unreal now, too? I know it wasn’t before…


console command:

hmd mirror mode 0|1|2

Sets mirror window mode: 0 - standard stereo distorted view, 1 - stereo undistorted view, 2 - mono

unfortunately it appears a bit stretched for me in mono

You can change the resolution of the game preview window under editor properties(eg into a square) to fix the streching if needed :slight_smile:

Thanks for the help! Also - is there a way to get the mono view to be full screen?

Gonna try this out! Been needing this for a while now

Many thanks for the help, very useful!

I try to type this hmd mirror mode in console command, nothing happen. HELPP

“You can change the resolution of the game preview window under editor properties(eg into a square) to fix the streching if needed” Could you please elaborate? Where is this setting?