Training Stream - Creating Interactions in VR with Motion Controllers Part 2 - Dec 8th, 2015


and continue setting up motion controllers in VR and use them to interact with the environment as they build the classic carnival game “can-toss”, then extend those features into other carnival games.

Additional topics covered:

  • UMG
  • Merge Actor Tool
  • Material Instancing

Part 1

Tuesday, Dec 8th @ 2:00PM-3:00PM ET - [Countdown]](Countdown to Dec 8, 2015 2:00 pm in Raleigh)



  • Sr Training Content Creator
  • Sr Training Content Creator

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!

Archive: Blueprint Creating Interactions in VR with Motion Controllers | 02 | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube

What is the best practice to set the location of chaperone to align properly with the in game floor and the real world? I currently set actor location on begin play to actor location but taking out the Z to be 0 (I have the in game floor location at 0 on Z).

It would also be great to hear some info on setting up an IK skeleton for the players skeletal mesh arms to move with the motion controllers. Thanks!