Postcard From Capri (Instagram devlog)


Postcard From Capri is an UE-project that I´ll be working on for some months! It’s an interactive shortstory (first-person narrative) in which my ambition is to create a tense, intriguing and immersive kind of experience. It’s somewhat of an experiment where I will try to avoid traditional, wornout gameplay but still make it enjoyable through mood, characters, storyline etc.

I will not spoil the storyline yet, but to boil it down, you play as a detective/journalist (firstperson) that get’s a letter with a postcard, a ticket and some money to travel to Capri to unravel a few things…

Having devlogs on forums aren’t that optimal in my opinion. I want it be easier to follow the progress so I´ll use Instagram and even Snapchat to reach out to the ones interested in the development. I will probably update this thread now and then though for major updates.

Let’s keep in touch! :slight_smile:

Here are some pics of environment (wip):