Steam Documentation

I posted a thread elsewhere but just realized that this might be a better place to post this.

Could you please let me know regarding the questions in that thread and/or update the documentation?

Thank you.

Howdy gamecreatorc,

Thank you for your feedback. I have looked into this page and the documentation does seem out of date. I have entered UEDOC-2626 into our Jira Database so that we can may address this issue. At this time, I am uncertain as to when we will update this page but I will be sure to keep you posted when I see any activity on this ticket.

Thanks and have a great day!

Thank you Sean.

By the way, it would be really nice to know what functionality is available to Blueprint only users with the 480 app ID. I know the page now says “The SteamDevAppId of 480 is Valve’s test app id, shared by everyone. You will need your own app id eventually, but most features of Steam should work before then” but I understand from Rama and others that Epic does not allow Find/Join to work with 480. Is that correct? If so, will that change in the near future so that we can test that Steam functionality before trying to get Greenlit?

Hello, I thought I’d check in again, a month later. I would really like to get going with Steam with Blueprints but I don’t think it’s possible at the moment. Is there any chance of the documentation being updated this month?

If you’re using the Session system in Blueprint, then you should automatically use Steam for finding and joining so long as you’re actually using the Steam Sub-system.

If you want to test in the meantime, you can also have the Null Sub-System enabled too. That’s what I do for my project.

2 months, no update. Alright, done wasting my time with this. Unreal’s definitely not the only engine with crappy documentation but I was somehow hoping for better here. Why encouraging Steam use with Blueprints is not a high priority for Unreal, I really don’t understand.

Hello Gamecreatorc,

Apologies for the delayed response, this is on our list of updates to tackle and while it does need some updates, it should allow you to get basic steam functionality up and running.

TheJamsh is correct here:

There is some functionality that is not exposed to Blueprints yet and I don’t have a definitive answer as to when those will come online so I don’t want to give you misleading information. In an effort to learn more about Blueprint Networking and Steam integration myself, I used this page to get a sample project up and running which I discussed before on a Twitch Stream towards the end of the year.

This project is now complete and I’ve recorded the video series to go along with it (it’s now in the hands of our video production team and should be released very soon). It will cover several Blueprint Networking topics which I’ve outlined in this thread as well as hosting/connecting via Steam starting from scratch. On the 1/19 Twitch Stream, I will try to show the finished project as well if the video series hasn’t been released by then.

We on the learning resources team are working with the development teams to identify the hurdles encountered when working with specific parts of the engine. We are just scratching the surface here with Blueprint Networking on our team and expect that as more systems get exposed to Blueprints more documentation/tutorials will come online. Please continue to post any comments/issues you encounter as well as that only gives us more ammunition to push our team harder.



A year and a half later and the documentation is still not fixed. This is one of the major reasons I don’t use Unreal. No need to bother fixing it or even reply. Just FYI.

So why did you reply?

There’s clearly no documentation, yeah. Ignore the 24 part youtube Blueprint Networking tutorials.
And all of the user generated stuff.

I was merely bringing the issues back to the team’s attention. Maybe there are new people on the team. Maybe their “Jiri Database” needs to be looked at.

Also, I’m pretty sure I never said there was “no documentation” out there so not sure where that came from. But I’m not interested in watching hours of videos with the hopes that I find something I’m looking for when I could just read an article and get what I need in minutes.