Help! Can't packag any game

Help !

I can’t package any game and I keep getting this error saying that my machine does not have a compiler.

Here is the link to my other post with my original problem of not having any microsoft visual program: ERROR with UE4 on 64-bit Windows 7 Ulitmate - C++ - Unreal Engine Forums

now i can’t package a game or build one !

Do you use any plugins?

Sorry i don’t know if i do or not.

This is only my first week using UE4. Where can I find the plugins if I’m using any ?


I been suffering on how to fix this for days and now you have fixed it !!

Your my hero Blue man !!!

I found the plugins directory and found the substance plugin was enabled so i disabled it and now it finally packaged my game !! Thanks man !

I am glad that I was able to help you :smiley:
Sorry for my late response :stuck_out_tongue: