reading an xml from c++?

Hi, I am attempting to read through an xml file in ue4 c++.

for example, if my xml is:

	<asset assetName="asset1">
		<transform rx="0.0" ry="0.0" rz="0.0" tx="0.0" ty="5.46978748418" tz="0.0"/>

I have this:

       	const FXmlFile file(L"C:/file.xml");

	const FXmlNode* SceneNode = file.GetRootNode();

	const TArray<FXmlNode*> assetNodes = SceneNode->GetChildrenNodes();

	for (int i = 0; i < assetNodes.Num(); i++)
		const TArray<FXmlNode*> meshNodes = assetNodes*->GetChildrenNodes();

		for (int i = 0; i < meshNodes.Num(); i++)
			FString tag = meshNodes*->GetTag();

			GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 15.0f, FColor::Red, tag);



This prints ‘transform’. Which is fine, but how can i access the actual value? meshNodes*->GetContent prints nothing…


I have made it easier on myself, by changing my xml formatting.

So using this:

	<asset> "group1_GRP"</asset>	
	<asset> "group2_GRP"</asset>	


         const FXmlFile file(L"C:/file.xml");

	const FXmlNode* SceneNode = file.GetRootNode();
	FString scenename = SceneNode->GetTag();
	//gets all child nodes
	const TArray<FXmlNode*> assetNodes = SceneNode->GetChildrenNodes();

this will list every node. BUT, can I step down the levels one at a time? So I can list the ‘asset’ nodes from ‘scene’, then list the ‘rx’, ‘ry’, ‘rz’ nodes inside each ‘asset’ separately?


SOLVED, with a whole bunch of if statements and for loops. Pretty manual way to do it, but it seems to work.

if tag equals ‘asset’, getChildrenNodes, etc.


I want to read xml file at runtime with c++. Is this possible with XMLParser.