Logs and the need for exposed code

So today I attempted to try and push towards the first release of my mod for a RP server. The only things left were server logs and inventory by steamID.

Neither of these are possible with the current devkit.

I got this far with damage for PVP logs -

But there is no way to reference a players character name, steam name or steamID.

Please for the love of god let us see and use those things. They are SO important and will let SO many more mods exist.

See if you can find anything interesting to hook in to in the admin manager ui if you are interested in the logging it provides. As far as I understand it logs chat, but I haven’t messed around with it much to know what all it can do.

edit As for outputting logs, I don’t know for sure but why dont you just ensure Print to log is checked and then look at WindowsNoEditor/ProjectName/Saved/Logs (details here: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements and Releases - Unreal Engine Forums )

Sadly I have tried that as well and almost all it logs is hidden. The game clearly grabs the names of who killed who as it displays it everytime you are killed but there is no way for us modders to grab that info or especially to grab players SteamID which is the big issue I have

There is an amazing discussion about how to grab some information from the server itself HERE

It’s definitely above my level, but it might help you in what you are doing.

I’m also waiting for getting some information about player like steam name and steam id :frowning:

Bumping for dev to see and respond

This is needed and should be super easy to do!

buming again. Dev response is needed

bump for dev

If you are asking about normal UE4 logging that is disabled inside shipping builds. We probably won’t turn this one on anytime soon since it hurts performance and makes servers have to deal with some disk bloat. But even so this does not output things like “player x built y” or “x hit y for 10 damage” which sounds more like what you are wanting. Not really a built in log of gameplay actions on servers currently. But while normal log output is disabled writing to a file is not. Also the Print String node above with ‘print to log’ is writing to the normal UE4 log.

Have you tried looking at the PlayerState’s playername? The steam id I don’t think is directly exposed to blueprint yet (it’s stored on the players netconnection as playerid). Either way I think it’s a good call to have helper blueprint callable functions to get “character name, steam name or steamID” from a PC. Maybe even a lookup if all you have is the steamid but that would have some perf overhead.

Yeah, the print to log was me forgetting to untick it :slight_smile:

But yes - i realise i would likely need to pull names and such into a string then append them together to reach a [name][SteamID] killed [name][SteamID] - the issue is that as far as i can tell it is currently impossible for modders to grab the steamID from anywhere (since we cant use C++) or the player name. I will try the playerstate though, might be the thing i didn’t check that works.

Also the game has kill messages by default - but I cannot find where they are generated (probably hidden in C++), being able to use those would make it so easy, literally just save them to a file

Hey tamaster,

look at this page i created on the wiki :

It should give you the steamID of the player.

sorry for this question but how i get player index?

if that works I could kiss you

it won’t work in the editor obviously but it should give the steamID on a dedicated server :slight_smile:

it does indeed!

Now I just need to try and get the character of the damage causer hmmm

Here’s me wishing you good luck in your endeavor.

here is solution how to get name of instigator and causer

Did this go anywhere? I’m fairly desperate for logging on my own server and I haven’t had much luck with the blueprints listed here - anyone have a good example of logging working?

Im keen for info on this as well! :slight_smile:

getting players and who killed who should be in the SofT files somewhere.

for logging, as a workaround one could pipe the logging through RCON and have the rcon tool save it ( not sure if one can hook into rcon at all though )