4.8.2 Hotfix released

The 4.8.2 Hotfix is now live! It contains more than 30 important fixes.

Feel free to continue the discussion about this release on the 4.8 announcement thread.

If you experience a bug with the 4.8.2 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.8.2

UE-16177 When launching the editor and having oculus_runtime_sdk_0.6.0.0_win_partner installed, the editor crashes.
UE-16608 Convert Actor option is grayed out and not selectable. (ConversionRoot metadata not found)
UE-16822 [CrashReport] Saving in animation blueprint can cause a crash
UE-16896 Level streaming crash in KiteDemo after retriggering cinematic
UE-16905 User Play Space Rot does not change anything in Client Play Camera Shake
UE-16966 Default settings cannot be used to import character animations
UE-16970 StrategyGame crash on android devices bad name index
UE-17103 Curve editor breaks randomly in Cascade
UE-17118 Custom Output node added to a Material Editor crashes Editor
UE-17163 [CrashReport] dxgi! and RHI related crash on project open
UE-17167 [CrashReport] Character interaction with asset causes crash
UE-17177 Localization manifest writing fails if source control is hooked up and the manifest file does not exist already.
UE-17211 [CrashReport] Clicking connection wires between blueprints nodes causes crash
UE-17212 Stack overflow due to heavy recursion in indirect lighting cache
UE-17213 LightSourceAngle is incorrectly greyed out
UE-17216 [CrashReport] Crash in FD3D11ComputeShader::~FD3D11ComputeShader()
UE-17226 OnPaint function causes artifacts to show up in a New Editor window
UE-17384 Import options broken when importing bones-only fbx animation
UE-17385 Android game packaged with obb outside apk does not create SaveGame directory on device
UE-17400 Regression for UPROPERTY specifier causing crash (“Template Mismatch during attachment”) during PIE
UE-17419 Crash compiling BPAIController and RunnerAI via session frontend test
UE-17443 DynamicModifiersOnly navmesh generation mode doesn’t work
UE-17523 Paper2D Set Sprite function in Construction requires mobility to be set to Movable
UE-17562 [CrashReport] Crash in TBaseMulticastDelegate<void,TSharedPtr<FSearchEntry,0> >::AddDelegateInstance()
UE-17569 GitHub 1309 : [Core][Windows] Don’t crash when GetRawInputData() fails.
UE-17673 Clicking the GameMode Override dropdown in the World Settings tab crashes the editor
UE-17792 Analog Input does not work for network clients (AddMovementInput scale values other than 0 and 1 do not replicate for clients)
UE-17829 Second client fails to load when using multiplayer PIE in separate processes
UE-18020 Crash Report Client - updates to data collection
UE-18041 [CrashReport] Fatal error in PostInitProperties
UE-18080 [CrashReport] Crash in UProjectileMovementComponent::TickComponent()
UE-18173 Crash report client submits user names for github builds