Panning Noise


Does anyone know how to get a noise procedural to pan? I’ve tried plugging time and panner nodes into the position input on the Noise node, but all this seems to do is either error out, or change the scale of the noise over time. Is it even possible, or would I be better off cutting my losses and making a noise texture in Photoshop instead?

You should take time * your v3 panning direction. Then add that to worldposition and plug that into the noise position. Pretty simple.

You can also use the function createnormalfromfunction to make a normal map of the effect in engine.

Yeah, just append a 3rd vector component to a panner node (or mask one panner and append it to another), to get the V3 panning direction :slight_smile:

Actually I just meant a constant vector v3 panning direction, you dont need a panner node. So if you want it to pan on x, use 1,0,0. Y would be 0,1,0 and so on. Just make sure to normalize the vector and you can use any hand picked numbers and then multiply by a scalar parameter to control intensity.

Here is a picture showing how you can do this while locking the world coordinates to the object position:

Great example :slight_smile:

This might not matter in this case, but normally you would subtract object position from worldposition, subtracting worldposition from object position would give you the opposite value I think.

You also could use the BoundingBoxBased_0-1_UVW function to get a local world space going 0-1 that rotates with the mesh as well.

Whoops, I put that together a bit too fast :smiley:
I wondered why I had to add a one minus in there lol

Definitely, thanks for pointing that out!

Never realised anyone even replied to this thread.

Thanks guys, that’ll help a lot.

How can I make this work in a material which is a “deferred decal”? I tried it the way it’s shown in the screenshot, but I get this:


I have an issue with change Direction Speed vector on setup like on the image in post #5 to Normal direction, might be I wrong but it should work like scaling of an object?

Word Position change the noise=(/ How do pan the noise along the object without noise turbulents and deformation ?