Foliage Editor Presets

Right now when you paint foliage and you switch between multiple areas of different foliage types, there’s a lot of work having to reassign the meshes and their settings. Most of the time you just forget what you used before and try to compromise until it looks okay enough.

I know the older Crysis (or was it FarCry?) editors had this feature where you could define different sets, and changing a set changed the instances in the world too. You could switch between these sets at will.
This was really useful and increased productivity for outdoor scenes a lot.

Saw this post through another post about the foliage tool, and I wanted to bump it up for Epic to see. Having a simple presets system where we can save those preset assets in the content browser would make life MUCH easier for many people.

I agree completely.
This is something we’ve been discussing in this thread: Improvements for foliage mode - Feedback for Unreal Engine team - Unreal Engine Forums
Improvements to foliage mode are coming.