4.8.1 Hotfix is live!

The 4.8.1 Hotfix is now live! It contains more than 30 important fixes.

Feel free to continue the discussion about this release on the 4.8 announcement thread.

If you experience a bug with the 4.8.1 Hotfix, please remember to log a bug report for the issue on the UE4 AnswerHub to the Bug Reports section.

Fixed in 4.8.1

UE-11816 [CrashReport] Garbage collection crashes not caused directly by the editor
UE-12079 Crash: UGameInstance::StartGameInstance “Failed to enter xx”
UE-14313 Tappy chicken size has increased dramatically from 4.6 to 4.7
UE-15505 Elemental Demo when played does not start matinee
UE-15651 GitHub 1148 : Fix divide by zero when importing 0-length animations
UE-16471 UMapProperty crashes
UE-16513 [CrashReport] Adding a Return node to a function that contains a Local array variable then compiling will crash the engine
UE-16521 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_Core!FRunnableThread::SetTls() [threadingbase.cpp:267]
UE-16711 Xbox fails to open BP projects for shipping config
UE-16724 StaticFindObject can return objects that have not been fully streamed in
UE-16752 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_D3D11RHI!VerifyD3D11CreateTextureResult() [d3d11util.cpp:223]
UE-16754 GatherTextFromSource commandlet always fails when using the deprecated SourceFileSearchFilters setting.
UE-16789 ‘Target’ pin name in certain BP nodes jitters in localized mode
UE-16806 [CrashReport] UE4Editor_HotReload!GetCachedCDODuplicate() [hotreload.cpp:636]
UE-16844 [CrashReport] Building lighting with a CustomMeshComponent in level causes crash
UE-16894 Interrupting the KiteDemo cinematic leaves you with no drone controls
UE-16900 Crash when Applying Hole Material to Imported Tiled Landscape with World Composition
UE-16907 Project using ScriptPluginComponents can crash when upgrading to 4.8
UE-16918 Sprite sheets cannot be reimported in 4.8 in a project that was converted from an older version
UE-16971 Packaging fails with plugin and full rebuild checked
UE-16972 Self reference disconnecting on editor restart
UE-16995 Crash undoing TMap UProperties
UE-17008 Editor crashes every time you save if there is no editor startup map set
UE-17067 Engine builds need to include engine localization data
UE-17075 The localization dashboard generates inaccurate paths when referencing files on a different drive than the binary.
UE-17082 Project debug symbols are no longer included in crash reporter callstacks.
UE-17087 Assertion failed: !Result || Result->LinkerLoad == Linker crash
UE-17111 Indirect Lighting Cache is broken on PS4
UE-17129 Crash when terminating a Matinee camera anim
UE-17153 USkinnedMeshComponent::QuerySupportedSockets behaves differently in !WITH_EDITOR
UE-17194 LoadPackageInternal may crash due to corrupted linkers
UE-17221 Hot reloading does not work on Linux
UE-17222 CPU usage is not decreased when the editor isn’t in foreground on Linux
UE-17228 Cook commandlet dies on Linux with error if run on a headless machine.
UE-17233 Media streaming from the internet is not working on Windows