4.8 translucent material SSR quality?

Hello there,

So in 4.8 we now have the option to enable SSR (screen space reflections) in translucent materials but the default quality is not really that great IMO so I was wondering if any of you guys know if there are any configs I can change to improve it?

The thing is that the SSR quality setting found in post proccess doesn’t effect the new SSR.

I’m also aware that you can change the SSR steps and rays in the ScreenSpaceReflections.usf file (found in Engine\Shaders) but that doesn’t work either.

bumpity bump :o

Find the following line in BasePassPixelShader.usf

float4 HitUVzTime = RayCast( HZBTexture, HZBSampler, MaterialParameters.ReflectionVector, 0, MaterialParameters.ScreenPosition.w, MaterialParameters.WorldPosition_CamRelative, 12, StepOffset );

The 12 is the Number of steps to take, increasing it should increase quality.