LocalMessage system exposed to Blueprints

I’d love if the LocalMessage C++ system was exposed to Blueprints. Being able to broadcast messages is pretty useful.

Hi Allar,

Thank you for your request. I have entered a feature request, UE-16600 to be considered by the development staff.

Still would like to see this implemented. Seems like UE-16600 doesn’t exist on the UE4 issues portal, although this is from 2015. Any chance I can get an update on this? Its a pretty nice and very simple system to have for sending messages.

Still would like to see this implemented. Seems like UE-16600 doesn’t exist on the UE4 issues portal, although this is from 2015. Any chance I can get an update on this? Its a pretty nice and very simple system to have for sending messages.

I had a request put into their system and it was there for about 2 months and its now been deleted. Hopefully, they have a new system for tracking feature requests…


I guess it was not deleted, but hidden from the public.
If I’m not mistaken all requests were hidden after new politics about sharing information on the Roadmap, probably it was a part of that