Make SceneCapture2D affected by effects (post-proccess, camerashake , etc)

This is really annoying: applying camera shake and not having it applied to a capture2d material drawn to the screen.

Hello Zarkopafilis,

I was reading over your post and I thought that this sounded like a good feature request. I have written up a request ( UE-16058) and I have submitted it to the developers for further consideration. Thank you for your time and information.

Make it a great day

Ideally, the SceneCapture2D should offer all the capabilities of the standard Camera. It also lacks orthographic projection support.

I agree, especially the orthographic mode is really missing. :frowning:

Has this been incorporated?

Hi ,

At the moment this Feature Request has been backlogged as our resources are currently dedicated elsewhere.

Any update on this? I agree that the SceneCapture2D should have all the same capability of the standard camera.

it would really be great to have a solution to this. I created a snazzy pixelating transition a-la snes. It’s really jarring the first time you notice the UI not being affected.