Tip: Easy Interstitial Admob Ads.

  1. Open “Unreal Engine\4.7\Engine\Build\Android\Java\src\com\epicgames\ue4\GameActivity.java”
  • Import InterstitialAd.

import com.google.android.gms.ads.InterstitialAd;

  • Add global variables.

InterstitialAd interstitialAd;
AdRequest request;

  • Init ads in OnCreate function.

request = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this);

interstitialAd.setAdListener(new AdListener()
	public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode) 
		//"ERROR: " + errorCode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
	public void onAdLoaded() 
		//"The interstitial is loaded", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

	public void onAdClosed()

  • Find “public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowAdBanner(String AdMobAdUnitID, boolean bShowOnBottonOfScreen)” and comment out everything in this function and add your code.

if(_activity.interstitialAd != null)
	_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
		public void run()
			if(_activity.interstitialAd.isLoaded() == true)


  • Comment out everything inside public void AndroidThunkJava_HideAdBanner() function.
  1. Use ShowAds function in blueprints, it will show fullscreen ad instead of a banner. Hide ads won’t work.
  2. Profit.

awesome thanks! Any idea on how to do the full screen video ads you see in a lot of the free android games?

You can choose what ads(text, image and video) you want to show while creating Interstitial Ad in Admob panel.

OOOH :slight_smile: thanks!

If I understand you right this solution does not allow to close the add?

The users’ reaction can be “priceless” :wink:

Interstitial Ad can be closed normally by clicking x. There is no need to have hide ad function.

And now it makes sense :slight_smile:

Now let’s wait and see if the 4.8 brings any improvements in this area. If not, I might actually test it out.

Many thanks for this! Would be great if epic provided this as a checkbox on the showads blueprint node though …

Epic needs to do a lot more with the adds for mobiles.

The current state of AdMob allows you to add only a single add unit per app. The whole system needs to be redesigned, to accept multiple ads IDs. Let’s see if 4.8 brings any changes, it’s supposed to be out next week.

Not to mention the support for other add networks than AdMob… In other words, it can only get better :wink:

please tell me how

this my gameactivity .

//This file needs to be here so the "ant" build step doesnt fail when looking for a /src folder.

package com.epicgames.ue4;

import java.io.File;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.app.NativeActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import android.os.Vibrator;

import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.IntentSender.SendIntentException;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;

import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;

import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.Window;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;

import android.media.AudioManager;

import com.google.android.gms.auth.GoogleAuthUtil;
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiClient;
import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil;

import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdRequest;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdSize;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdListener;

import com.google.android.gms.plus.Plus;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;

import com.epicgames.ue4.GooglePlayStoreHelper;
import com.epicgames.ue4.GooglePlayLicensing;

// TODO: use the resources from the UE4 lib project once we've got the packager up and running
//import com.epicgames.ue4.R;

//Extending NativeActivity so that this Java class is instantiated
//from the beginning of the program.  This will allow the user
//to instantiate other Java libraries from here, that the user
//can then use the functions from C++
//NOTE -- This class is not necessary for the UnrealEngine C++ code
//  to startup, as this is handled through the base NativeActivity class.
//  This class's functionality is to provide a way to instantiate other
//  Java libraries at the startup of the program and store references 
//  to them in this class.

public class GameActivity extends NativeActivity
	public static Logger Log = new Logger("UE4");
	static GameActivity _activity;

	// Console
	AlertDialog consoleAlert;
	EditText consoleInputBox;
	ArrayList<String> consoleHistoryList;
	int consoleHistoryIndex;
	float consoleDistance;
	float consoleVelocity;

	// Virtual keyboard
	AlertDialog virtualKeyboardAlert;
	EditText virtualKeyboardInputBox;

	// default the PackageDataInsideApk to an invalid value to make sure we don't get it too early
	private static int PackageDataInsideApkValue = -1;
	/** AssetManger reference - populated on start up and used when the OBB is packed into the APK */
	private AssetManager			AssetManagerReference;
	private GoogleApiClient googleClient;

	/** AdMob support */
	private PopupWindow adPopupWindow;
	private AdView adView;
	private boolean adInit = false;
	private LinearLayout adLayout;
	private LinearLayout activityLayout;
	private int adGravity = Gravity.TOP;

	/** true when the application has requested that an ad be displayed */
	private boolean adWantsToBeShown = false;

	/** true when an ad is available to be displayed */
	private boolean adIsAvailable = false;

	/** true when an ad request is in flight */
	private boolean adIsRequested = false;

	/** Request code to use when launching the Google Services resolution activity */
    private static final int GOOGLE_SERVICES_REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR = 1001;

	/** Unique tag for the error dialog fragment */
    private static final String DIALOG_ERROR = "dialog_error";

	/** Unique ID to identify Google Play Services error dialog */
	private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_DIALOG_ID = 1;

	/** Access singleton activity for game. **/
	public static GameActivity Get()
		return _activity;
	Get the SDK level of the OS we are running in.
	We do this instead of accessing the SDK_INT
	with JNI from C++ as the new ART runtime seems to have
	problems dynamically finding/loading static inner classes.
	public static final int ANDROID_BUILD_VERSION = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
	private StoreHelper IapStoreHelper;

	public void onStart()
		Log.debug("==================================> Inside onStart function in GameActivity");

	public int getDeviceDefaultOrientation() 

		// WindowManager windowManager =  (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
		WindowManager windowManager =  getWindowManager();

		Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();

		int rotation = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();

		if ( ((rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_0 || rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_180) &&
				config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)
			|| ((rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90 || rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270) &&    
				config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)) 
			return Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
			return Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;

	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
		// Suppress java logs in Shipping builds
		if (nativeIsShippingBuild())

		_activity = this;
		// Turn on and unlock screen.. Assumption is that this
		// will only really have an effect when for debug launching
		// as otherwise the screen is already unlocked.
			WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON |
//			WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED |
		// On some devices we can also unlock a key-locked screen by disabling the
		// keylock guard. To be safe we only do this on < Android 3.2. As the API
		// is deprecated from 3.2 onward.
			android.app.KeyguardManager keyman = (android.app.KeyguardManager)getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
			android.app.KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock keylock = keyman.newKeyguardLock("Unlock");

		// tell Android that we want volume controls to change the media volume, aka music
		// is this a native landscape device (tablet, tv)?
		if ( getDeviceDefaultOrientation() == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )
			boolean bForceLandscape = false;

			// check for a Google TV by checking system feature support
			if (getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("com.google.android.tv"))
				Log.debug( "Detected Google TV, will default to landscape" );
				bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check NVidia devices
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("NVIDIA"))
				// is it a Shield? (checking exact model)
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equals("SHIELD"))
					Log.debug( "Detected NVidia Shield, will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check Ouya
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("OUYA"))
				// only one so far (ouya_1_1) but check prefix anyway
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().startsWith("ouya_"))
					Log.debug( "Detected Ouya console (" + android.os.Build.MODEL + "), will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check Amazon devices
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("Amazon"))
				// is it a Kindle Fire TV? (Fire TV FAQ says AFTB, but to check for AFT)
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.startsWith("AFT"))
					Log.debug( "Detected Kindle Fire TV (" + android.os.Build.MODEL + "), will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;

			// apply the force request if we found a device above
			if (bForceLandscape)
				Log.debug( "Setting screen orientation to landscape because we have detected landscape device" );
				_activity.setRequestedOrientation( android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE );
		// Grab a reference to the asset manager
		AssetManagerReference = this.getAssets();

		// Read metadata from AndroidManifest.xml
		int DepthBufferPreference = 0;
		String ProjectName = getPackageName();
		ProjectName = ProjectName.substring(ProjectName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
		try {
			ApplicationInfo ai = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
			Bundle bundle = ai.metaData;

			// Get the preferred depth buffer size from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.DepthBufferPreference"))
				DepthBufferPreference = bundle.getInt("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.DepthBufferPreference");
				Log.debug( "Found DepthBufferPreference = " + DepthBufferPreference);
				Log.debug( "Did not find DepthBufferPreference, using default.");

			// Determine if data is embedded in APK from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bPackageDataInsideApk"))
				PackageDataInsideApkValue = bundle.getBoolean("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bPackageDataInsideApk") ? 1 : 0;
				Log.debug( "Found bPackageDataInsideApk = " + PackageDataInsideApkValue);
				PackageDataInsideApkValue = 0;
				Log.debug( "Did not find bPackageDataInsideApk, using default.");

			// Get the project name from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.ProjectName"))
				ProjectName = bundle.getString("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.ProjectName");
				Log.debug( "Found ProjectName = " + ProjectName);
				Log.debug( "Did not find ProjectName, using package name = " + ProjectName);
		catch (NameNotFoundException e)
			Log.debug( "Failed to load meta-data: NameNotFound: " + e.getMessage());
		catch (NullPointerException e)
			Log.debug( "Failed to load meta-data: NullPointer: " + e.getMessage());

		// tell the engine if this is a portrait app
		nativeSetWindowInfo(getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, DepthBufferPreference);

		// get the full language code, like en-US
		// note: this may need to be Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()
		String Language = java.util.Locale.getDefault().toString();

		Log.debug( "Android version is " + android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE );
		Log.debug( "Android manufacturer is " + android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER );
		Log.debug( "Android model is " + android.os.Build.MODEL );
		Log.debug( "OS language is set to " + Language );

		nativeSetAndroidVersionInformation( android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE, android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER, android.os.Build.MODEL, Language );

			int Version = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionCode;
			int PatchVersion = 0;
			nativeSetObbInfo(ProjectName, getApplicationContext().getPackageName(), Version, PatchVersion);
		catch (Exception e)
			// if the above failed, then, we can't use obbs
			Log.debug("==================================> PackageInfo failure getting .obb info: " + e.getMessage());
		// enable the physical volume controls to the game

		AlertDialog.Builder builder;

		consoleInputBox = new EditText(this);
		consoleInputBox.setInputType(0x00080001); // TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS);
		consoleHistoryList = new ArrayList<String>();
		consoleHistoryIndex = 0;

		final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(this);
        DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        consoleDistance = vc.getScaledPagingTouchSlop() * dm.density;
        consoleVelocity = vc.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity() / 1000.0f;

		consoleInputBox.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
			private long downTime;
			private float downX;

			public void swipeLeft() {
				if (!consoleHistoryList.isEmpty() && consoleHistoryIndex + 1 < consoleHistoryList.size()) {

			public void swipeRight() {
				if (!consoleHistoryList.isEmpty() && consoleHistoryIndex > 0) {

			public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
				switch (event.getAction()) {
					case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
						// remember down time and position
						downTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
						downX = event.getX();
						return true;
					case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
						long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - downTime;
						float delta = event.getX() - downX;
						float absDelta = Math.abs(delta);

						if (absDelta > consoleDistance && absDelta > deltaTime * consoleVelocity)
							if (delta < 0)
							return true;
						return false;
				return false;

		builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
		builder.setTitle("Console Window - Enter Command")
		.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				String message = consoleInputBox.getText().toString().trim();

				// remove it if already in history
				int index = consoleHistoryList.indexOf(message);
				if (index >= 0)

				// add it to the end

				consoleInputBox.setText(" ");
		.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				consoleInputBox.setText(" ");
		consoleAlert = builder.create();

		virtualKeyboardInputBox = new EditText(this);

		builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
		.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				String message = virtualKeyboardInputBox.getText().toString();
				nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(true, message);
				virtualKeyboardInputBox.setText(" ");
		.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(false, " ");
				virtualKeyboardInputBox.setText(" ");
		virtualKeyboardAlert = builder.create();

		GooglePlayLicensing.GoogleLicensing = new GooglePlayLicensing();
		GooglePlayLicensing.GoogleLicensing.Init(this, Log);

		// Now okay for event handler to be set up on native side
		// Try to establish a connection to Google Play
		// AndroidThunkJava_GooglePlayConnect();

		Log.debug("==============> GameActive.onCreate complete!");

	public void onStop()

	// handle ad popup visibility and requests
	private void updateAdVisibility(boolean loadIfNeeded)
		if (!adInit || (adPopupWindow == null))

		// request an ad if we don't have one available or requested, but would like one
		if (adWantsToBeShown && !adIsAvailable && !adIsRequested && loadIfNeeded)
			AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();		// add test devices here

			adIsRequested = true;

		if (adIsAvailable && adWantsToBeShown)
			if (adPopupWindow.isShowing())

			adPopupWindow.showAtLocation(activityLayout, adGravity, 0, 0);
			if (!adPopupWindow.isShowing())


	public void AndroidThunkJava_KeepScreenOn(boolean Enable)
		if (Enable)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()

	private class VibrateRunnable implements Runnable {
		private int duration;
		private Vibrator vibrator;

		VibrateRunnable(final int Duration, final Vibrator vibrator)
			this.duration = Duration;
			this.vibrator = vibrator;
		public void run ()
			if (duration < 1)
			} else {

	public void AndroidThunkJava_Vibrate(int Duration)
		Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
		if (vibrator != null)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new VibrateRunnable(Duration, vibrator));

	// Called from event thread in NativeActivity	
	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowConsoleWindow(String Formats)
		if (consoleAlert.isShowing() == true)
			Log.debug("Console already showing.");

		// start at end of console history
		consoleHistoryIndex = consoleHistoryList.size();

		consoleAlert.setMessage("[Available texture formats: " + Formats + "]");
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				if (consoleAlert.isShowing() == false)
					Log.debug("Console not showing yet");

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowVirtualKeyboardInput(int InputType, String Label, String Contents)
		if (virtualKeyboardAlert.isShowing() == true)
			Log.debug("Virtual keyboard already showing.");

		// Set label and starting contents

		// configure for type of input

		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				if (virtualKeyboardAlert.isShowing() == false)
					Log.debug("Virtual keyboard not showing yet");
	public void AndroidThunkJava_LaunchURL(String URL)
			Intent BrowserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, android.net.Uri.parse(URL));
		catch (Exception e)
			Log.debug("LaunchURL failed with exception " + e.getMessage());

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements()
			String email = Plus.AccountApi.getAccountName(googleClient);
			Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: using email " + email);

            String accesstoken = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(this, email, "oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/games");

			String ResetURL = "https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1management/achievements/reset?access_token=" + accesstoken;
			Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: using URL " + ResetURL);

			URL url = new URL(ResetURL);
			HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

				int status = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
				Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: HTTP response is " + status);
        catch(Exception e)
            Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements failed: " + e.getMessage());

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowAdBanner(String AdMobAdUnitID, boolean bShowOnBottonOfScreen)
		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_ShowAdBanner");
		Log.debug("AdID: " + AdMobAdUnitID);

		adGravity = bShowOnBottonOfScreen ? Gravity.BOTTOM : Gravity.TOP;

		if (adInit)
			// already created, make it visible
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					if ((adPopupWindow == null) || adPopupWindow.isShowing())

					adWantsToBeShown = true;


		// init our AdMob window
		adView = new AdView(this);

		if (adView != null)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					adInit = true;

					final DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
					final float scale = dm.density;
					adPopupWindow = new PopupWindow(_activity);
					adPopupWindow.setWindowLayoutMode(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

					adLayout = new LinearLayout(_activity);
					activityLayout = new LinearLayout(_activity);

					final int padding = (int)(-5*scale);

					MarginLayoutParams params = new MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);;


					adLayout.addView(adView, params);

					_activity.setContentView(activityLayout, params);

					// set up our ad callbacks
					_activity.adView.setAdListener(new AdListener()
						public void onAdLoaded()
							adIsAvailable = true;
							adIsRequested = false;


						public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode)
							adIsAvailable = false;
							adIsRequested = false;

							// don't immediately request a new ad on failure, wait until the next show

					adWantsToBeShown = true;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_HideAdBanner()
		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_HideAdBanner");

		if (!adInit)

		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				adWantsToBeShown = false;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_CloseAdBanner()
		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_CloseAdBanner");

		if (!adInit)

		// currently the same as hide.  should we do a full teardown?
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				adWantsToBeShown = false;

	public AssetManager AndroidThunkJava_GetAssetManager()
		if(AssetManagerReference == null)
			Log.debug("No reference to asset manager found!");

		return AssetManagerReference;

	public static boolean isOBBInAPK()
		Log.debug("Asking if osOBBInAPK? " + (PackageDataInsideApkValue == 1));
		return PackageDataInsideApkValue == 1;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_Minimize()
		Intent startMain = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ForceQuit()
		// finish();

	// call back into native code from the Java UI thread, initializing any available VR HMD modules
	public void AndroidThunkJava_InitHMDs()
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()

	public static String AndroidThunkJava_GetFontDirectory()
		// Parse and find the first known fonts directory on the device
		String] fontdirs = { "/system/fonts", "/system/font", "/data/fonts" };

		String targetDir = null;

		for ( String fontdir : fontdirs )
//			Log.debug(fontdir);
            File dir = new File( fontdir );

				targetDir = fontdir;
		return targetDir + "/";

	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IsMusicActive()
		AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
		return audioManager.isMusicActive();
	// In app purchase functionality
	public void AndroidThunkJava_IapSetupService(String InProductKey)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapSetupService");
		IapStoreHelper = new GooglePlayStoreHelper(InProductKey, this, Log);
		if( IapStoreHelper == null )
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");

	private String] CachedQueryProductIDs;
	private boolean] CachedQueryConsumables;
	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapQueryInAppPurchases(String] ProductIDs, boolean] bConsumable)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapQueryInAppPurchases");
		CachedQueryProductIDs = ProductIDs;
		CachedQueryConsumables = bConsumable;

		boolean bTriggeredQuery = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bTriggeredQuery = true;

			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					IapStoreHelper.QueryInAppPurchases(CachedQueryProductIDs, CachedQueryConsumables);
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bTriggeredQuery;

	protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			if(!IapStoreHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data))
				super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
				Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper handled onActivityResult");
			super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
		nativeOnActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data);
	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapBeginPurchase(String ProductId, boolean bConsumable)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapBeginPurchase");
		boolean bTriggeredPurchase = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bTriggeredPurchase = IapStoreHelper.BeginPurchase(ProductId, bConsumable);
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bTriggeredPurchase;

	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapIsAllowedToMakePurchases()
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapIsAllowedToMakePurchases");
		boolean bIsAllowedToMakePurchase = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bIsAllowedToMakePurchase = IapStoreHelper.IsAllowedToMakePurchases();
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bIsAllowedToMakePurchase;

	public native boolean nativeIsShippingBuild();
	public native void nativeSetGlobalActivity();
	public native void nativeSetWindowInfo(boolean bIsPortrait, int DepthBufferPreference);
	public native void nativeSetObbInfo(String ProjectName, String PackageName, int Version, int PatchVersion);
	public native void nativeSetAndroidVersionInformation( String AndroidVersion, String PhoneMake, String PhoneModel, String OSLanguage );

	public native void nativeConsoleCommand(String commandString);
	public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(boolean update, String contents);

	public native void nativeInitHMDs();

	public native void nativeResumeMainInit();

	public native void nativeOnActivityResult(GameActivity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data);

Where do I put it

Please, tell me how

up up up up up up up

Hi Kavin,

Please double check the instructions that ThePassenger has posted. Also, please refrain from bumping a thread more than once every four days. Thank you.

I know this is an older thread but I’ve got this working, Only issue is ill getting random freezes with the ad’s they will load a black screen and lock up the entire app. Has anyone experienced similar issues with this code?

I’m thinking about using this engine for a mobile game, but could someone first tell me if a similar thing that OP did with AdMob could be done with other ad-networks such as Chartboost? I imagine you could just add the necessary code to the game activity. Is there some reason that it wouldn’t be as simple as that?

Sorry for picking up such an old topic, but I’m trying to work it out on my own and still failing. I don’t know what am I doing wrong… Can you take a look at my GameActivity please? I thought I made everything correctly, but probably not…

//This file needs to be here so the "ant" build step doesnt fail when looking for a /src folder.

package com.epicgames.ue4;

import java.io.File;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import android.app.NativeActivity;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;

import android.os.Vibrator;

import android.app.AlertDialog;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.text.InputType;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.res.AssetManager;
import android.content.res.Configuration;
import android.content.IntentSender.SendIntentException;
import android.content.pm.ApplicationInfo;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager;
import android.content.pm.PackageManager.NameNotFoundException;

import android.media.AudioManager;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;

import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.View.OnTouchListener;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams;
import android.view.ViewGroup.MarginLayoutParams;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.Window;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.PopupWindow;

import android.media.AudioManager;

import com.google.android.gms.auth.GoogleAuthUtil;
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.GoogleApiClient;
import com.google.android.gms.common.GooglePlayServicesUtil;

import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdRequest;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdView;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdSize;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.AdListener;
import com.google.android.gms.ads.InterstitialAd;

import com.google.android.gms.plus.Plus;

import java.net.URL;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;

import com.epicgames.ue4.GooglePlayStoreHelper;
import com.epicgames.ue4.GooglePlayLicensing;

// TODO: use the resources from the UE4 lib project once we've got the packager up and running
//import com.epicgames.ue4.R;

import com.epicgames.ue4.DownloadShim;

//Extending NativeActivity so that this Java class is instantiated
//from the beginning of the program.  This will allow the user
//to instantiate other Java libraries from here, that the user
//can then use the functions from C++
//NOTE -- This class is not necessary for the UnrealEngine C++ code
//  to startup, as this is handled through the base NativeActivity class.
//  This class's functionality is to provide a way to instantiate other
//  Java libraries at the startup of the program and store references 
//  to them in this class.

public class GameActivity extends NativeActivity
	public static Logger Log = new Logger("UE4");
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_ACTIVITY_ID = 80001; // so we can identify the activity later
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_NO_RETURN_CODE = 0; // we didn't get a return code - will need to log and debug as this shouldn't happen
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_FILES_PRESENT = 1;  // we already had the files we needed
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_OK = 2; // downloaded ok (practically the same as above)
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_USER_QUIT = 3;    // user aborted the download
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_FAILED = 4;
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_INVALID = 5;
	public static final int DOWNLOAD_NO_PLAY_KEY = 6;
	public static final String DOWNLOAD_RETURN_NAME = "Result";
	static GameActivity _activity;

	// Console
	AlertDialog consoleAlert;
	EditText consoleInputBox;
	ArrayList<String> consoleHistoryList;
	int consoleHistoryIndex;
	float consoleDistance;
	float consoleVelocity;

	// Virtual keyboard
	AlertDialog virtualKeyboardAlert;
	EditText virtualKeyboardInputBox;

	// default the PackageDataInsideApk to an invalid value to make sure we don't get it too early
	private static int PackageDataInsideApkValue = -1;
	private static int HasOBBFiles = -1;
	/** AssetManger reference - populated on start up and used when the OBB is packed into the APK */
	private AssetManager			AssetManagerReference;
	private GoogleApiClient googleClient;

	/** AdMob support */
	private PopupWindow adPopupWindow;
	private AdView adView;
	private boolean adInit = false;
	private LinearLayout adLayout;
	private LinearLayout activityLayout;
	private int adGravity = Gravity.TOP;

	/** true when the application has requested that an ad be displayed */
	private boolean adWantsToBeShown = false;

	/** true when an ad is available to be displayed */
	private boolean adIsAvailable = false;

	/** true when an ad request is in flight */
	private boolean adIsRequested = false;

	/** Request code to use when launching the Google Services resolution activity */
    private static final int GOOGLE_SERVICES_REQUEST_RESOLVE_ERROR = 1001;

	/** Unique tag for the error dialog fragment */
    private static final String DIALOG_ERROR = "dialog_error";

	/** Unique ID to identify Google Play Services error dialog */
	private static final int PLAY_SERVICES_DIALOG_ID = 1;

	/** Check to see if we have all the files */
	private boolean HasAllFiles = false;
	/** Check to see if we should be verifying the files once we have them */
	public boolean VerifyOBBOnStartUp = false;

	/** Whether this application was packaged for GearVR or not */
	public boolean PackagedForGearVR = false;
	/** Flag to ensure we have finished startup before allowing nativeOnActivityResult to get called */
	private boolean InitCompletedOK = false;
	private boolean ShouldHideUI = false;
	/** Access singleton activity for game. **/
	public static GameActivity Get()
		return _activity;
	/**InterstitialAds variables**/
	InterstitialAd interstitialAd;
	AdRequest request;
	Get the SDK level of the OS we are running in.
	We do this instead of accessing the SDK_INT
	with JNI from C++ as the new ART runtime seems to have
	problems dynamically finding/loading static inner classes.
	public static final int ANDROID_BUILD_VERSION = android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;
	private StoreHelper IapStoreHelper;

	public void onStart()
		Log.debug("==================================> Inside onStart function in GameActivity");

	public int getDeviceDefaultOrientation() 

		// WindowManager windowManager =  (WindowManager) getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE);
		WindowManager windowManager =  getWindowManager();

		Configuration config = getResources().getConfiguration();

		int rotation = windowManager.getDefaultDisplay().getRotation();

		if ( ((rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_0 || rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_180) &&
				config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE)
			|| ((rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_90 || rotation == android.view.Surface.ROTATION_270) &&    
				config.orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT)) 
			return Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE;
			return Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT;

	public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
		// Suppress java logs in Shipping builds
		if (nativeIsShippingBuild())

		_activity = this;
		// Turn on and unlock screen.. Assumption is that this
		// will only really have an effect when for debug launching
		// as otherwise the screen is already unlocked.
			WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_TURN_SCREEN_ON |
//			WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_SHOW_WHEN_LOCKED |
		// On some devices we can also unlock a key-locked screen by disabling the
		// keylock guard. To be safe we only do this on < Android 3.2. As the API
		// is deprecated from 3.2 onward.
			android.app.KeyguardManager keyman = (android.app.KeyguardManager)getSystemService(KEYGUARD_SERVICE);
			android.app.KeyguardManager.KeyguardLock keylock = keyman.newKeyguardLock("Unlock");

		// tell Android that we want volume controls to change the media volume, aka music
		// is this a native landscape device (tablet, tv)?
		if ( getDeviceDefaultOrientation() == Configuration.ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE )
			boolean bForceLandscape = false;

			// check for a Google TV by checking system feature support
			if (getPackageManager().hasSystemFeature("com.google.android.tv"))
				Log.debug( "Detected Google TV, will default to landscape" );
				bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check NVidia devices
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("NVIDIA"))
				// is it a Shield? (checking exact model)
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.equals("SHIELD"))
					Log.debug( "Detected NVidia Shield, will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check Ouya
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("OUYA"))
				// only one so far (ouya_1_1) but check prefix anyway
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.toLowerCase().startsWith("ouya_"))
					Log.debug( "Detected Ouya console (" + android.os.Build.MODEL + "), will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;
			} else

			// check Amazon devices
			if (android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER.equals("Amazon"))
				// is it a Kindle Fire TV? (Fire TV FAQ says AFTB, but to check for AFT)
				if (android.os.Build.MODEL.startsWith("AFT"))
					Log.debug( "Detected Kindle Fire TV (" + android.os.Build.MODEL + "), will default to landscape" );
					bForceLandscape = true;

			// apply the force request if we found a device above
			if (bForceLandscape)
				Log.debug( "Setting screen orientation to landscape because we have detected landscape device" );
				_activity.setRequestedOrientation( android.content.pm.ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE );
		// Grab a reference to the asset manager
		AssetManagerReference = this.getAssets();

		// Read metadata from AndroidManifest.xml
		int DepthBufferPreference = 0;
		String ProjectName = getPackageName();
		ProjectName = ProjectName.substring(ProjectName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1);
		try {
			ApplicationInfo ai = getPackageManager().getApplicationInfo(getPackageName(), PackageManager.GET_META_DATA);
			Bundle bundle = ai.metaData;

			// Get the preferred depth buffer size from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.DepthBufferPreference"))
				DepthBufferPreference = bundle.getInt("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.DepthBufferPreference");
				Log.debug( "Found DepthBufferPreference = " + DepthBufferPreference);
				Log.debug( "Did not find DepthBufferPreference, using default.");

			// Determine if data is embedded in APK from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bPackageDataInsideApk"))
				PackageDataInsideApkValue = bundle.getBoolean("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bPackageDataInsideApk") ? 1 : 0;
				Log.debug( "Found bPackageDataInsideApk = " + PackageDataInsideApkValue);
				PackageDataInsideApkValue = 0;
				Log.debug( "Did not find bPackageDataInsideApk, using default.");

			// Get the project name from AndroidManifest.xml
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.ProjectName"))
				ProjectName = bundle.getString("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.ProjectName");
				Log.debug( "Found ProjectName = " + ProjectName);
				Log.debug( "Did not find ProjectName, using package name = " + ProjectName);
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bHasOBBFiles"))
				HasOBBFiles = bundle.getBoolean("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bHasOBBFiles") ? 1 : 0;
				Log.debug( "Found bHasOBBFiles = " + HasOBBFiles);
				HasOBBFiles = 0;
				Log.debug( "Did not find bHasOBBFiles, using default.");
			if (bundle.containsKey("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bVerifyOBBOnStartUp"))
				VerifyOBBOnStartUp = bundle.getBoolean("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bVerifyOBBOnStartUp");
				Log.debug( "Found bVerifyOBBOnStartUp = " + VerifyOBBOnStartUp);
				VerifyOBBOnStartUp = false;
				Log.debug( "Did not find bVerifyOBBOnStartUp, using default.");
				ShouldHideUI = bundle.getBoolean("com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity.bShouldHideUI");
				Log.debug( "UI hiding set to " + ShouldHideUI);
				Log.debug( "UI hiding not found. Leaving as " + ShouldHideUI);
				PackagedForGearVR = true;
				String VRMode = bundle.getString("com.samsung.android.vr.application.mode");
				Log.debug("Found GearVR mode = " + VRMode);
				PackagedForGearVR = false;
				Log.debug("No GearVR mode detected.");
		catch (NameNotFoundException e)
			Log.debug( "Failed to load meta-data: NameNotFound: " + e.getMessage());
		catch (NullPointerException e)
			Log.debug( "Failed to load meta-data: NullPointer: " + e.getMessage());

		// tell the engine if this is a portrait app
		nativeSetWindowInfo(getResources().getConfiguration().orientation == Configuration.ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT, DepthBufferPreference);

		// get the full language code, like en-US
		// note: this may need to be Locale.getDefault().getLanguage()
		String Language = java.util.Locale.getDefault().toString();

		Log.debug( "Android version is " + android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE );
		Log.debug( "Android manufacturer is " + android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER );
		Log.debug( "Android model is " + android.os.Build.MODEL );
		Log.debug( "OS language is set to " + Language );

		nativeSetAndroidVersionInformation( android.os.Build.VERSION.RELEASE, android.os.Build.MANUFACTURER, android.os.Build.MODEL, Language );

			int Version = getPackageManager().getPackageInfo(getPackageName(), 0).versionCode;
			int PatchVersion = 0;
			nativeSetObbInfo(ProjectName, getApplicationContext().getPackageName(), Version, PatchVersion);
		catch (Exception e)
			// if the above failed, then, we can't use obbs
			Log.debug("==================================> PackageInfo failure getting .obb info: " + e.getMessage());
		// enable the physical volume controls to the game

		AlertDialog.Builder builder;

		consoleInputBox = new EditText(this);
		consoleInputBox.setInputType(0x00080001); // TYPE_CLASS_TEXT | TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS);
		consoleHistoryList = new ArrayList<String>();
		consoleHistoryIndex = 0;

		final ViewConfiguration vc = ViewConfiguration.get(this);
        DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
        consoleDistance = vc.getScaledPagingTouchSlop() * dm.density;
        consoleVelocity = vc.getScaledMinimumFlingVelocity() / 1000.0f;

		consoleInputBox.setOnTouchListener(new OnTouchListener() {
			private long downTime;
			private float downX;

			public void swipeLeft() {
				if (!consoleHistoryList.isEmpty() && consoleHistoryIndex + 1 < consoleHistoryList.size()) {

			public void swipeRight() {
				if (!consoleHistoryList.isEmpty() && consoleHistoryIndex > 0) {

			public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent event) {
				switch (event.getAction()) {
					case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: {
						// remember down time and position
						downTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
						downX = event.getX();
						return true;
					case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {
						long deltaTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - downTime;
						float delta = event.getX() - downX;
						float absDelta = Math.abs(delta);

						if (absDelta > consoleDistance && absDelta > deltaTime * consoleVelocity)
							if (delta < 0)
							return true;
						return false;
				return false;

		builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
		builder.setTitle("Console Window - Enter Command")
		.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				String message = consoleInputBox.getText().toString().trim();

				// remove it if already in history
				int index = consoleHistoryList.indexOf(message);
				if (index >= 0)

				// add it to the end

				consoleInputBox.setText(" ");
		.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				consoleInputBox.setText(" ");
		consoleAlert = builder.create();

		virtualKeyboardInputBox = new EditText(this);

		builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
		.setPositiveButton("Ok", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				String message = virtualKeyboardInputBox.getText().toString();
				nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(true, message);
				virtualKeyboardInputBox.setText(" ");
		.setNegativeButton("Cancel", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
			public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int id) {
				nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(false, " ");
				virtualKeyboardInputBox.setText(" ");
		virtualKeyboardAlert = builder.create();

		GooglePlayLicensing.GoogleLicensing = new GooglePlayLicensing();
		GooglePlayLicensing.GoogleLicensing.Init(this, Log);
		// Now okay for event handler to be set up on native side
		//	nativeResumeMainInit();
		// Try to establish a connection to Google Play
		// AndroidThunkJava_GooglePlayConnect();

		// If we have data in the apk or just loose then carry on init as normal
		String path = this.getObbDir().getAbsolutePath() + "/main.1.com.epicgames.StrategyGame.obb";
		File obb = new File(path);
		Log.debug("=+=+=+=+=+=+=> File exists: " + (obb.exists() ? "True" : "False"));
		if(PackageDataInsideApkValue == 1 || HasOBBFiles == 0)
			HasAllFiles = true;
		request = new AdRequest.Builder().build();

		interstitialAd = new InterstitialAd(this);

		interstitialAd.setAdListener(new AdListener()
			public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode) 
				//"ERROR: " + errorCode, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
			public void onAdLoaded() 
				//"The interstitial is loaded", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

			public void onAdClosed()
		Log.debug("==============> GameActive.onCreate complete!");
	public void onResume()
		// only do this on KitKat and above
		if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 19 && ShouldHideUI)
			View decorView = getWindow().getDecorView(); 
			Log.debug("==============> Resuming main init");
			InitCompletedOK = true;
			// Start the check activity here
			Log.debug("==============> Starting activity to check files and download if required");			
			Intent intent = new Intent(this, DownloadShim.GetDownloaderType());
			startActivityForResult(intent, DOWNLOAD_ACTIVITY_ID);
		Log.debug("==============> GameActive.onResume complete!");

	public void onStop()

	// handle ad popup visibility and requests
	private void updateAdVisibility(boolean loadIfNeeded)
		if (!adInit || (adPopupWindow == null))

		// request an ad if we don't have one available or requested, but would like one
		if (adWantsToBeShown && !adIsAvailable && !adIsRequested && loadIfNeeded)
			AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build();		// add test devices here

			adIsRequested = true;

		if (adIsAvailable && adWantsToBeShown)
			if (adPopupWindow.isShowing())

			adPopupWindow.showAtLocation(activityLayout, adGravity, 0, 0);
			if (!adPopupWindow.isShowing())


	public void AndroidThunkJava_KeepScreenOn(boolean Enable)
		if (Enable)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()

	private class VibrateRunnable implements Runnable {
		private int duration;
		private Vibrator vibrator;

		VibrateRunnable(final int Duration, final Vibrator vibrator)
			this.duration = Duration;
			this.vibrator = vibrator;
		public void run ()
			if (duration < 1)
			} else {

	public void AndroidThunkJava_Vibrate(int Duration)
		Vibrator vibrator = (Vibrator)getSystemService(VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
		if (vibrator != null)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new VibrateRunnable(Duration, vibrator));

	// Called from event thread in NativeActivity	
	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowConsoleWindow(String Formats)
		if (consoleAlert.isShowing() == true)
			Log.debug("Console already showing.");

		// start at end of console history
		consoleHistoryIndex = consoleHistoryList.size();

		consoleAlert.setMessage("[Available texture formats: " + Formats + "]");
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				if (consoleAlert.isShowing() == false)
					Log.debug("Console not showing yet");

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowVirtualKeyboardInput(int InputType, String Label, String Contents)
		if (virtualKeyboardAlert.isShowing() == true)
			Log.debug("Virtual keyboard already showing.");

		// Set label and starting contents

		// configure for type of input

		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				if (virtualKeyboardAlert.isShowing() == false)
					Log.debug("Virtual keyboard not showing yet");
	public void AndroidThunkJava_LaunchURL(String URL)
			Intent BrowserIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, android.net.Uri.parse(URL));
		catch (Exception e)
			Log.debug("LaunchURL failed with exception " + e.getMessage());

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements()
			String email = Plus.AccountApi.getAccountName(googleClient);
			Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: using email " + email);

            String accesstoken = GoogleAuthUtil.getToken(this, email, "oauth2:https://www.googleapis.com/auth/games");

			String ResetURL = "https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1management/achievements/reset?access_token=" + accesstoken;
			Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: using URL " + ResetURL);

			URL url = new URL(ResetURL);
			HttpURLConnection urlConnection = (HttpURLConnection)url.openConnection();

				int status = urlConnection.getResponseCode();
				Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements: HTTP response is " + status);
        catch(Exception e)
            Log.debug("AndroidThunkJava_ResetAchievements failed: " + e.getMessage());

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ShowAdBanner(String AdMobAdUnitID, boolean bShowOnBottonOfScreen)
		if(_activity.interstitialAd != null)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					if(_activity.interstitialAd.isLoaded() == true)

		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_ShowAdBanner");
		Log.debug("AdID: " + AdMobAdUnitID);

		adGravity = bShowOnBottonOfScreen ? Gravity.BOTTOM : Gravity.TOP;

		if (adInit)
			// already created, make it visible
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					if ((adPopupWindow == null) || adPopupWindow.isShowing())

					adWantsToBeShown = true;


		// init our AdMob window
		adView = new AdView(this);

		if (adView != null)
			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					adInit = true;

					final DisplayMetrics dm = getResources().getDisplayMetrics();
					final float scale = dm.density;
					adPopupWindow = new PopupWindow(_activity);
					adPopupWindow.setWindowLayoutMode(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);

					adLayout = new LinearLayout(_activity);
					activityLayout = new LinearLayout(_activity);

					final int padding = (int)(-5*scale);

					MarginLayoutParams params = new MarginLayoutParams(LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT, LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT);;


					adLayout.addView(adView, params);

					_activity.setContentView(activityLayout, params);

					// set up our ad callbacks
					_activity.adView.setAdListener(new AdListener()
						public void onAdLoaded()
							adIsAvailable = true;
							adIsRequested = false;


						public void onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode)
							adIsAvailable = false;
							adIsRequested = false;

							// don't immediately request a new ad on failure, wait until the next show

					adWantsToBeShown = true;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_HideAdBanner()
		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_HideAdBanner");

		if (!adInit)

		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				adWantsToBeShown = false;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_CloseAdBanner()
		Log.debug("In AndroidThunkJava_CloseAdBanner");

		if (!adInit)

		// currently the same as hide.  should we do a full teardown?
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()
				adWantsToBeShown = false;

	public AssetManager AndroidThunkJava_GetAssetManager()
		if(AssetManagerReference == null)
			Log.debug("No reference to asset manager found!");

		return AssetManagerReference;

	public static boolean isOBBInAPK()
		Log.debug("Asking if osOBBInAPK? " + (PackageDataInsideApkValue == 1));
		return PackageDataInsideApkValue == 1;

	public void AndroidThunkJava_Minimize()
		Intent startMain = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);

	public void AndroidThunkJava_ForceQuit()
		// finish();

	// call back into native code from the Java UI thread, initializing any available VR HMD modules
	public void AndroidThunkJava_InitHMDs()
		_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
			public void run()

	// check the manifest to determine if we are a GearVR application
	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IsGearVRApplication()
		return PackagedForGearVR;

	public static String AndroidThunkJava_GetFontDirectory()
		// Parse and find the first known fonts directory on the device
		String] fontdirs = { "/system/fonts", "/system/font", "/data/fonts" };

		String targetDir = null;

		for ( String fontdir : fontdirs )
            File dir = new File( fontdir );

				targetDir = fontdir;
		return targetDir + "/";

	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IsMusicActive()
		AudioManager audioManager = (AudioManager)this.getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE);
		return audioManager.isMusicActive();
	// In app purchase functionality
	public void AndroidThunkJava_IapSetupService(String InProductKey)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapSetupService");
		IapStoreHelper = new GooglePlayStoreHelper(InProductKey, this, Log);
		if( IapStoreHelper == null )
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");

	private String] CachedQueryProductIDs;
	private boolean] CachedQueryConsumables;
	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapQueryInAppPurchases(String] ProductIDs, boolean] bConsumable)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapQueryInAppPurchases");
		CachedQueryProductIDs = ProductIDs;
		CachedQueryConsumables = bConsumable;

		boolean bTriggeredQuery = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bTriggeredQuery = true;

			_activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable()
				public void run()
					IapStoreHelper.QueryInAppPurchases(CachedQueryProductIDs, CachedQueryConsumables);
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bTriggeredQuery;

	protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data)
		if( requestCode == DOWNLOAD_ACTIVITY_ID)
			int errorCode = data.getIntExtra(DOWNLOAD_RETURN_NAME, DOWNLOAD_NO_RETURN_CODE);
			String logMsg = "DownloadActivity Returned with ";
				logMsg += "Download Files Present";
				logMsg += "Download Completed OK";
				logMsg += "Download No Return Code";
				logMsg += "Download User Quit";
				logMsg += "Download Failed";
				logMsg += "Download Invalid";
				logMsg +="Download No Play Key";
				logMsg += "Unknown message!";
			HasAllFiles = (errorCode == DOWNLOAD_FILES_PRESENT || errorCode == DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED_OK);
			if(errorCode == DOWNLOAD_NO_RETURN_CODE 
			|| errorCode == DOWNLOAD_USER_QUIT 
			|| errorCode == DOWNLOAD_FAILED 
			|| errorCode == DOWNLOAD_INVALID
			|| errorCode == DOWNLOAD_NO_PLAY_KEY)
		else if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			if(!IapStoreHelper.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data))
				super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
				Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper handled onActivityResult");
			super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
			nativeOnActivityResult(this, requestCode, resultCode, data);
	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapBeginPurchase(String ProductId, boolean bConsumable)
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapBeginPurchase");
		boolean bTriggeredPurchase = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bTriggeredPurchase = IapStoreHelper.BeginPurchase(ProductId, bConsumable);
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bTriggeredPurchase;

	public boolean AndroidThunkJava_IapIsAllowedToMakePurchases()
		Log.debug("[JAVA] - AndroidThunkJava_IapIsAllowedToMakePurchases");
		boolean bIsAllowedToMakePurchase = false;
		if( IapStoreHelper != null )
			bIsAllowedToMakePurchase = IapStoreHelper.IsAllowedToMakePurchases();
			Log.debug("[JAVA] - Store Helper is invalid");
		return bIsAllowedToMakePurchase;

	public native boolean nativeIsShippingBuild();
	public native void nativeSetGlobalActivity();
	public native void nativeSetWindowInfo(boolean bIsPortrait, int DepthBufferPreference);
	public native void nativeSetObbInfo(String ProjectName, String PackageName, int Version, int PatchVersion);
	public native void nativeSetAndroidVersionInformation( String AndroidVersion, String PhoneMake, String PhoneModel, String OSLanguage );

	public native void nativeConsoleCommand(String commandString);
	public native void nativeVirtualKeyboardResult(boolean update, String contents);

	public native void nativeInitHMDs();

	public native void nativeResumeMainInit();

	public native void nativeOnActivityResult(GameActivity activity, int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data);

Is there anything else I need to do to make it work? The problem is, that the node “Show Ad Banner” doesn’t do anything (and yes, I tried that on my android phone :D). What can be wrong? It’s more than a month I’m working on it, but now I’m really desperate, so I had to reply to this post.

Thank gonna try this :slight_smile:

seem that it doesnt work anymore with engine 4.8

Same here, show ad banner does anything, and i have the same code as you :frowning:

ok after some research on answerhub and this forum i got this working, but it sometime crash or fail to load the ads dont know why