Unreal engine 4 + havok how to?

hello, I wanted to know how to change the physical standards of the unreal with the havok physics, I have already downloaded the 'havok sdk but I do not understand how to integrate it. thanks

That will be a huge undertaking, the physics is pretty embedded in there and Havok doesn’t support everything that PhysX support. (APEX Destruction being one) Is there any particular reason that you want to try integrate Havok over using PhysX?

The physX does not work very well with AMD and is very heavy compared to havok

Before you go ahead and undertake a huge amount of work that may never see the light of day, you may want to take a quick look at this: https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?3608-PhysX-and-AMD-in-UE4&p=23034&viewfull=1#post23034

Basically, the PhysX implementation in UE4 does not use any GPU related features, so therefore it should have the same performance regardless of Graphics Cards.

But if you still determined to replace PhysX, your best bet is to get familiar with the inner workings of the engine and how PhysX is actually used, no-one is going to do this work for you, or hold your hand during the process. There is no easy intergration path for physics as far as I am aware.

thanks for your advice, you’ve been helpful and kind, and I thank you, I wanted chederti one thing, I wanted to change the gravity at will through a triggerbox, could you help me?

If you mean gravity direction. This is not currently possible without modifications to the engine. See https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?6592-Unreal-Z-axis-independent-gravity for an example of someone who is working on this

If you mean gravity influence, I believe this can be controlled via blueprint. Not sure on the nodes or anything as I have not done this.

thank you for your answer, it is three days I try to change the way gravity blueprint but I can not, so I thought I integrate the 'havok, but I think it is not possible

Integrating havok is something that would take longer tha na month to an experienced programmer propably. Also, I have an amd card, and I have no problems with physics.

Swapping your physics engines won’t solve your problem, as you need to implement what you want yourself anyway.

You can change gravity using the source version downloaded from - in some parts of the engine it is already treated as a three component vector - you need to propagate those changes upwards into the gameplay code and you’ll need to replace or modify some things like CapsuleComponents, which treat the Z-axis as up and lock to it for performance reasons.

Hey Havok AI - artificial intelligence is good?
If yes, how to register and setup with Unreal Engine 4? I trying to make AI easy way.