Interactive archviz

this is the first time that I finish one of my personal projects… and there you have it :smiley:

Is an “archviz demo-scene” where users can change materials and play with the lighting in realtime( i know, its not a big a deal… but it was a completely headache for me… especially the blueprints thing)
if someone want to try it, the packaged project can be download from here

Any suggestions, comments or criticism are welcome

also i have a couple of questions ( (also it’s the first time that I packaged something… I could have missed something)

  • ¿ why takes so long to load ?
  • ¿why its not showing up the unreal splash screen?
  • and finally ¿ why it’s so big (almost 3GB uncompressed) ?

Great work dude… only thing that bothered me on first watch was the amount of chromatic aberration… its to much…
going to download and take a look :slight_smile:

Hey man, this looks awesome! I really like it :slight_smile: How did you achieve the nice indirect shadows when you use dynamic lighting? and also, how can the GI change when you apply different materials to the walls? LPV doesnt give enough precision and fidelity for archviz and there is no other dynamic GI solution yet.

I assume you baked a stationary skylight and use a movable directional light? Argh…I will just download your scene and have a look :smiley:

Cheers! :slight_smile:

This is a truly beautiful scene, the way you showed the lighting there is just amazing! And it’s DYNAMIC! Oh boy, oh boy, UE4 would never cease to amaze me, especially since there are talented artists like you out there. :wink:

Gostaria de aprender a fazer um projeto de arquitetura interatico, acender lâmpadas com um interruptor, mudar dinamicamente as cores de paredes móveis, pisos, por favor, sou iniciante e ainda não sei muita coisa, será que alguém pode me ajudar?