[Request] Blueprints: Possibility to change background grid

The default grid background is ok, but it has these black lines across every 8 squares - and this causes some weird OCD in my case :smiley: To illustrate:

I always have a need to line up all nodes to these black lines, horizontally & vertically :slight_smile: … And i struggle with new nodes to have them lined up to these 8x8 sections - which is a little bit annoying. If i see correctly, there is no possibility to change background. An optional background-change option would be awesome. In my case, i just need to eliminate these black 8x8 sections, nothing more :smiley:

It could just let user load his own background (whatever he likes) and use it as Blueprint graph background with desirable tiling.

i just want to remove word blueprint at left corner

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Would be cool too ;]

I just want a dark background without grids.

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Cat skin? Somebody knows how to make sure we notice a feature request.

Hi all,

I have put in a feature request for this, it is JIRA number UE-14980. I will try to come back and update this thread as I receive more information on the status of the request.


Hi there,
What about BLUEPRINT in right corner?

Hello, it’s been a while… Any news? :slight_smile:

Old, forgotten thread covered in dust & cobwebs wakes up

Hi, how’s the ancient UE-14980 going? :slight_smile: Did anybody look at it? :smiley:
… I still have my weird OCD with these 8x8 background sections…

Hello, seems like this thread got lost in the void for a bit. Wittlief is no longer at Epic and has a really cool new job, so they aren’t around to answer.

The ticket was closed for now, as the grid is not an image, but a code-created rendering of lines. That’s why they seem to change as you zoom in and out as well. It’s unfortunately not something that we’re able to spare the resources for at this moment due to other priorities in the engine, but it would be a nice “peace of mind” feature in the future. However, if someone in the community were to create a method of adding alternate background renders, I’m sure our developers would appreciate it and I would want to promote it as well.

Thanks for clearing this up!
Since the lines are code-created, the one reasonable alternative would be a dark backround without grids (just like @Galeon has mentioned in this thread) - I’m a C++ noob, but if someone would like to tinker with it, maybe just a single IF statement on “drawTheOCDLines” bool would do the job? :slight_smile:

grid is ok, word “blueprint” is not necessary.

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Yeah, removing it should also be pretty easy. + The grid is ok, but unnecessary (well, in my cause it triggers this weird align-OCD, so it distracts me, but maybe that’s only my weird ) -can the grid be used for something? Maybe I miss some background grid feature ^^

If you go into SNodePanel.cpp, SNodePanel::PaintBackgroundAsLines() is where it is drawn. Take out the code commented horizontal bars and vertical bars and you’ll have a dark background without lines for blueprint editor and material editor.

Ok so we see this in the next update :o WOW!!!

It’s quite sexy to see.

You can also edit the colors in SlateEditorStyle.cpp if desired (making all three the same color would eliminate the distinction between the origin line, major, and minor grid lines):

	Set( "Graph.Panel.GridLineColor",   FLinearColor(0.035f, 0.035f, 0.035f) );
	Set( "Graph.Panel.GridRuleColor",   FLinearColor(0.008f, 0.008f, 0.008f) );
	Set( "Graph.Panel.GridCenterColor", FLinearColor(0.000f, 0.000f, 0.000f) );

If you are really desperate for that cat background, the BG is still an image (it just doesn’t contain the grid lines):

	Set( "Graph.Panel.SolidBackground", new IMAGE_BRUSH( "/Graph/GraphPanel_SolidBackground", FVector2D(16, 16), FLinearColor::White, ESlateBrushTileType::Both) );


knows where the priorities are here.

Challenge accepted:

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