problem running UE4, help?

How do I run the actual Unreal Engine 4 Program, like I installed it and I have Epic Games Launcher on my desktop, but when I run it, it does nothing, am I doing something wrong? I’m running a 64-bit windows desktop computer if that helps

Please make your title a little more descriptive.

This post will help you get started: [Newcomers Readme!] How To Install UE4 From The Launche](https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?60752-Newcomers-Readme!-How-To-Install-UE4-From-The-Launcher)r

When the upper link doesnt solve your problem, make sure that you post your question on answerhub (could be a bug) -> https://answers.unrealengine/ :slight_smile:

Is the process running under task manager? I had this happen to me once after updating my launcher, and the only thing that fixed it was restarting my PC. See if that helps.