Cutscenes - Movie and frame rendering

Hello fellows,
I’m really impressed by the capabilities of the engine, especially, since I saw the Kite Demo. :slight_smile:
Now I am researching the options to use this software for CGI scenes of my upcoming science fiction feature film.

From a first look at Matinee and the dumpmovie command, they are great, but for my tool chain a bit limited and complicated to integrate.
I need to render arbitrary frame sequences (range from/to) and one-click rendering of different movies out of these stills.
Output resolution should not depend on screen size.
Frame output should support different formats, eg png or jpg for preview.
I also need output of render stages, depth buffer only, normals, etc.
Output parameters would be controlled by json script for an easy copy/paste of projects.

Now my question to you.
In the case, I’m successful to implement this as a plugin, is there any interest, to have this on the marketplace and what functions
are you looking and longing for?

I also would like to ask the unreal developers, if there is a plan to recode or replace Matinee.
Is there a roadmap regarding the cutscene features?

Yes.This would be awesome and i would buy it… Epic is working on a substitute for matinee called sequencer, which is partially integrated on the UMG. I am not sure if they will implement all the features you want so you should give a go… the possibility of render with an alpha channel would be great… maybe having a special material that renders as alpha?

Yes give a go!


Thank you for the sequencer hint. I will look to find that code on git.
For sure, I don’t want to build upon obsolete code. :slight_smile:
When using my inhouse engine, I’m rendering color coded material id’s, so that might a useful render stage to implement for you ( and me).

I’m trying to implement a real cinematic experience in one game mode that can help give the player a better emotional attachment to the character he is playing. I would be interested as I have seen many forums of movie dump not working correctly and other issues as well, but I have not gotten to the point of diving into it to see.also not sure how soon sequencer is coming they mention it often on the streams but no time frame.

Thank you for the answers. It looks like not that much people are interested in video rendering or are happy with the current functionality.
So a complex plugin currently makes no sense on the marketplace.

Well as a CGI person I’d definitely buy this. If you ever make this please update here, whether it’s on the marketplace or somewhere else, I’d like to buy it.

Yes i would buy it too!

Thanks, yes, will place updates here and hope for growing interest.

hi i will be interest to buy it. my desire is to record in matinee a cutscene. it is possible but i need that the matinee play physic. (apex cloth). so if matinee refuse that i will be ok to record directly PIE :slight_smile:

I definitely would buy it. I’m facing the same lack of features as you. As a CGI person, I really want to use Unreal on my workflow but the current render is very limited although I see great possibilities even with the current one.

Bumping+1 for this. Any progress?

Yep character animator/rigger/multimedia professional over here! Would be interested, too!!! :slight_smile: